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Any ideas as I prefer not to jump ship as well but Zwift seems to be reliable on connection

When I lose internet(always my connection) on Zwift I lose the other riders and continue alone. If the internet returns all come backs normal. If I lose it all together the ride is always saved and upload normally later


Legendary Member
Connection to server lost ( yellow banner).
Is this a Bkool problem.
I used Bkool Sim yesterday and was having a good contest with this French dude and I lost connection to the server but the wireless was on and O.K

Rode a recovery on Zwift this morning for 30 mins ( experimental purposes you understand) and had no issues.
Went on Bkool straight after With the intention to do another 30 mins and I lost connection after 2 mins.
Tried again lost connection after 15 mins.
Checked with my son who was playing call of duty in his bedroom and he confirmed that the wireless connection had been good.
I turned of my mobile phone and was in the garage connected with extended ant+ all anti virus and firewall turned off except the basic windows version and the laptop is new.
Any ideas as I prefer not to jump ship as well but Zwift seems to be reliable on connection.
This does happen to me occasionally - but not regularly enough to be a major problem. I'm no IT expert so I don't know whether it's a Bsim issue or an issue at my end with the Wifi. If you lose connection you will lose the other riders as you know, but when the connection comes back, all does return to normal with the other riders back, and the ride will be saved as normal. I haven't had connection issues with Zwift as yet, but I've read enough comments online about it to suggest it does happen reasonably regularly on Zwift as well. The only connection issue I've had with Zwift so far is connecting it with the trainer and HR monitor via Ant+. I just couldn't get either to connect properly at all to Zwift the other day, but went onto Bkool instead and both connected instantly without a problem. Been fine again since though!


Knees are FUBAR but I don't like to mention it
Blackpool UK
I have a wired connection and still get 'drop outs' with the BKoolSim! The last time I suspect it was at my end as I also lost the connection to the NAS Box with all my music on in the house ... boy was I pis ... upset 205m to go on the ride, and for the first time the Sim crashed completely and lost the ride :sad:

The main issue I have is with the Video streaming, or rather not streaming, it's down to out of date USB drivers apparently and installing the Visual Studio Visual C++ redistributable packages from Microsoft will fix it. ... Well sorry BKool Support but it doesn't, and as I am actually a developer I know blooming well that there are no USB drivers in those packages! Failed attempt at BS there


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
I think zwift along with many other software platforms uses Amazon's server service (?) for delivery and so it is fairly robust bar the occasional collapse. Disconnection Issues are usually set up related, user error or conflicts especially with neighbors wifi signals or simultaneous bluetooth connections. I can have issue when rest of the house are streaming netflix/playing xbox/watching cats on you tube. However i have found the usual's of having a usb extender for ant+ and using a powerline ethernet connection work just fine.
there is a zwift analyser you can download and run in background to check signal drop outs that can apparently help to identify specific issues. One user found a baby monitor in his neighbors house was interfering with the signal and causing dropouts so he got his neighbor to change the signal and all then worked fine.


I have a wired connection and still get 'drop outs' with the BKoolSim! The last time I suspect it was at my end as I also lost the connection to the NAS Box with all my music on in the house ... boy was I pis ... upset 205m to go on the ride, and for the first time the Sim crashed completely and lost the ride :sad:

The main issue I have is with the Video streaming, or rather not streaming, it's down to out of date USB drivers apparently and installing the Visual Studio Visual C++ redistributable packages from Microsoft will fix it. ... Well sorry BKool Support but it doesn't, and as I am actually a developer I know blooming well that there are no USB drivers in those packages! Failed attempt at BS there
Well, I couldn't stream either after updating my pc from Win7 32bit to Win10 64bit. Even 3D was a bit jerky. I do have a quite old Core i3 cpu in that pc, and it's even a type that I picked specifically for a Media PC (very low power consumption). I use the built-in graphics of the Core cpu - no dedicated graphics card installed.

I found out that the real time protection of the Windows Defender (Note that I don't mean the Windows Firewall) and Bkool was not the best of friends, and it was like day and night when i disabled it.


Über Member
Hi everyone,

Newbie to BKOOL here so I hope I don't have to ask too many noddy questions.
I have it set up with my work Surface because it has USB for the dongle.
But I was just watching the setup vid on YouTube and noticed them plug in a dongle into an old ipad
Does anyone here use an old ipad ?

I'm not massively bothered about great graphics but a lot of apps won't work now with the early ipad so I just wondered if BKOOL does as I have one spare and doing nothing these days

The Rover

I live in the prehistoric northwest and still use an iPad 3 for bkool! It's not good enough for the other apps, zwift etc but it does the job. I think the 3 is the minimum you can use though?

Edit - the rack has been removed and you'll notice the kids rug under the bike, one of my German shepherds took a liking to it so it was relegated to the garage!

Hi everyone,

Newbie to BKOOL here so I hope I don't have to ask too many noddy questions.
I have it set up with my work Surface because it has USB for the dongle.
But I was just watching the setup vid on YouTube and noticed them plug in a dongle into an old ipad
Does anyone here use an old ipad ?

I'm not massively bothered about great graphics but a lot of apps won't work now with the early ipad so I just wondered if BKOOL does as I have one spare and doing nothing these days
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Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Connection to server lost ( yellow banner).
Is this a Bkool problem.
I used Bkool Sim yesterday and was having a good contest with this French dude and I lost connection to the server but the wireless was on and O.K

Rode a recovery on Zwift this morning for 30 mins ( experimental purposes you understand) and had no issues.
Went on Bkool straight after With the intention to do another 30 mins and I lost connection after 2 mins.
Tried again lost connection after 15 mins.
Checked with my son who was playing call of duty in his bedroom and he confirmed that the wireless connection had been good.
I turned of my mobile phone and was in the garage connected with extended ant+ all anti virus and firewall turned off except the basic windows version and the laptop is new.
Any ideas as I prefer not to jump ship as well but Zwift seems to be reliable on connection.
Never get drop outs personally, but then I've never had to get a USB extension like others do either. Also no kids in the house playing games online, so maybe that helps ??
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Daddy Pig

Hi everyone,

Newbie to BKOOL here so I hope I don't have to ask too many noddy questions.
I have it set up with my work Surface because it has USB for the dongle.
But I was just watching the setup vid on YouTube and noticed them plug in a dongle into an old ipad
Does anyone here use an old ipad ?

I'm not massively bothered about great graphics but a lot of apps won't work now with the early ipad so I just wondered if BKOOL does as I have one spare and doing nothing these days
IPad needs a specific ant+ dongle probably costing silly money...
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