Team BKool CycleChat

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Daddy Pig

I was contacted by Jacob recently with regards plans for a re-run of the Nations Cup event (in which we heroically "won" the bronze medal :biggrin:).

Suggested date is Saturday 17th February 2018.

This year's team was myself, @BILL S , @AAAC 76C , @Daddy Pig , and @TurboTommy . I don't know if you will all be up for it again, and/or whether you think we should have a formal "team selection" process this time round? Maybe a league specifically set up for team selection? Tommy, I know you haven't been on Bkool for a while and will probably be happily whizzing around Zwift on your Atom by then, but if you still had your Pro you could perhaps dust that off for the event if you were interested?

Anyway, let me know your thoughts. I really enjoyed the experience (apart from the cramp :cry:) and I think the rest of the team did too, so I'd be happy to do it again if we can get a team together....
Not sure due to my back... still causing severe issues and I have lost a lot of muscle off my right leg. I'd only be any good if I get my mojo back...

Daddy Pig

My sub runs out in Feb so might be interested do we get extra 20% time :tongue: with my little neo
Borrow a pro and you'll be leader of the pack...


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Very true and I was thinking the same, but I think there's a few who are playing on both. Must admit that I'm waiting to see what happens with the numbers on bkool because (as I think AAAC once mentioned), the best thing about bkool is the guys on here so if everyone goes to Zwift then I think I would too, even though I'm still on yearly subscription.
to be honest Bill, I'm not sure how long I'll be away from Bkool and only on Zwift. I get bored easily, and Zwift may not hold my attention. I do like the BKool leagues, and it's being in them that has really helped my fitness. Hmmmm, not sure. May pay for another month of Bkool and see how I feel next month :wacko:


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Oh for goodness sake just go... and take your inhaler and bike pump with you.... :hugs:


Large Member
I was contacted by Jacob recently with regards plans for a re-run of the Nations Cup event (in which we heroically "won" the bronze medal :biggrin:).

Suggested date is Saturday 17th February 2018.

This year's team was myself, @BILL S , @AAAC 76C , @Daddy Pig , and @TurboTommy . I don't know if you will all be up for it again, and/or whether you think we should have a formal "team selection" process this time round? Maybe a league specifically set up for team selection? Tommy, I know you haven't been on Bkool for a while and will probably be happily whizzing around Zwift on your Atom by then, but if you still had your Pro you could perhaps dust that off for the event if you were interested?

Anyway, let me know your thoughts. I really enjoyed the experience (apart from the cramp :cry:) and I think the rest of the team did too, so I'd be happy to do it again if we can get a team together....

I'm well up for a friendly home based team effort like we did last year using discord.
Anything more organised will remove the happy go lucky attitude we had toward the whole event which for me made the whole thing a real blast.


Connection to server lost ( yellow banner).
Is this a Bkool problem.
I used Bkool Sim yesterday and was having a good contest with this French dude and I lost connection to the server but the wireless was on and O.K

Rode a recovery on Zwift this morning for 30 mins ( experimental purposes you understand) and had no issues.
Went on Bkool straight after With the intention to do another 30 mins and I lost connection after 2 mins.
Tried again lost connection after 15 mins.
Checked with my son who was playing call of duty in his bedroom and he confirmed that the wireless connection had been good.
I turned of my mobile phone and was in the garage connected with extended ant+ all anti virus and firewall turned off except the basic windows version and the laptop is new.
Any ideas as I prefer not to jump ship as well but Zwift seems to be reliable on connection.
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