Just a shame Steve isn't still riding his Elite, he'd be setting some amazing time following the last upgrade. He'd be top of the pile
Nice thought, however as Brusgaard says we don't know what models are affected, the icon shown for the 'reprobates'

elite trainer is different to mine, theirs show just the name whereas my icon is the actual trainer, (unless you can change it?) so unfortunately i think it would take more than an upgrade for me to reach their dizzy speeds, i know there have been a few occasions on my elite at the beginning of a ride (not so much lately) where my speed just went up and up to like 300kph!! without me even pedaling so i simply reset and it went back to normal, whether these guys have managed to find a way to control it i have no idea, but if you remember even on the elite i had some rides (through the desert comes to mind ) where i just couldn't seem to get going and the time reflected that, having said that CG4 yesterday was tough for me on the Bkool pro. (thanks Bill), I can't always join in the 'live rides' to have fun as AAAC correctly suggests but i get lots of fun just trying to go as fast as i can for as long as i can to try and beat you guys, and Jim i did think about going back to pick it up but flights are too expensive

however hopefully my girlfriend is coming over in December .....................