Team BKool CycleChat

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Mark Mc

Two questions on BKOOL
1: I had to terminate a league attempt short , and i now know i shouldnt have saved a partial attempt, but i can see on the league for that stage I'm in 1st.........I cant see how i can delete this attempt.....cant believe there isnt a delete option. I even re-did the stage in full, in the vain hope that the software would be 1/2 intellegent to realise that a completed course should take precedent over a partial one
2: Is there any option to stop the cool down being stored as part of the session, this just skews all the data

Oh and apologies for wrongly challenging Daddy Pig.......i only realised what that button did when thinking why is he racing me ...


Two questions on BKOOL
1: I had to terminate a league attempt short , and i now know i shouldnt have saved a partial attempt, but i can see on the league for that stage I'm in 1st.........I cant see how i can delete this attempt.....cant believe there isnt a delete option. I even re-did the stage in full, in the vain hope that the software would be 1/2 intellegent to realise that a completed course should take precedent over a partial one
2: Is there any option to stop the cool down being stored as part of the session, this just skews all the data

Oh and apologies for wrongly challenging Daddy Pig.......i only realised what that button did when thinking why is he racing me ...
Unfortunately the league admin must have approved your ride when really they should have deleted it due to it not being complete. There is no way for the admin to now delete the ride so you and the league are stuck with the result. Only option for you now is to do a slower ride for your next stage in the league so that it evens out your overly quick result.


Mark, I see its the Chaingang league you're speaking about and as we have some new admins it's possible that one of them approved your ride without looking to see why your ride needed approval. Alternatively it could just have slipped though automatically. Its not a big deal though and I'm sure no one minds that you're winning one of the stages.


Legendary Member
Mark, I see its the Chaingang league you're speaking about and as we have some new admins it's possible that one of them approved your ride without looking to see why your ride needed approval. Alternatively it could just have slipped though automatically. Its not a big deal though and I'm sure no one minds that you're winning one of the stages.
Wasn't me @BILL S!! :angel:


Gets free watts from the Atom ;)
Mark, I see its the Chaingang league you're speaking about and as we have some new admins it's possible that one of them approved your ride without looking to see why your ride needed approval. Alternatively it could just have slipped though automatically. Its not a big deal though and I'm sure no one minds that you're winning one of the stages.
Guilty :shy: I was trying to be a good admin :sad: I did think, it's not a full ride why did it come up to be approved, then figured even approving it wouldn't make any difference as BKool would see it as an incomplete ride and not include it in the league .... d'oh, a learn there :banghead:

What should we do with incomplete rides? Delete them?


Über Guru
Skive, Denmark
Guilty :shy: I was trying to be a good admin :sad: I did think, it's not a full ride why did it come up to be approved, then figured even approving it wouldn't make any difference as BKool would see it as an incomplete ride and not include it in the league .... d'oh, a learn there :banghead:

What should we do with incomplete rides? Delete them?

As a penalty you have to suffer an extra 6min.+ deficit on the Summer Cup. Sorry! (not really :laugh:)


Guilty :shy: I was trying to be a good admin :sad: I did think, it's not a full ride why did it come up to be approved, then figured even approving it wouldn't make any difference as BKool would see it as an incomplete ride and not include it in the league .... d'oh, a learn there :banghead:

What should we do with incomplete rides? Delete them?

Yes, we delete them and they disappear forever.


TheBoxers on Cycle Sim sw
Well I've posted my time for SC9. I didn't beat 40 minutes, but I tried. My legs just went away from me after 35 minutes and had no go in them :B). I am, at the time of this post, 1st (of the 3 to be in the results list and my time 40:26).

Enjoy this one. I reckon we'll see some genuine sub 25 minute sessions on this stage from out quickest members :notworthy:.


Large Member
Even dry and sunny in bonny Scotland... I was out at 6.45 this morning. Back before 11. Washed bike, out for lunch, steak n chips and rehydrated.. :popcorn:

Watching Spanish cycling..

You beat me.
I was out pressure washing the decking at 8:00 ready for staining it when we got back at 16:00.
Managed to blow a big hole in one of the gazebo uprights so I guess it was a bit rotten.
Took up a few deck planks to check out the joint with the deck joists and they are a bit rotten too.
Looks like a big refurb job.
Will just have to make it good for now with some strap joints and fix it next spring

Daddy Pig

So as I've not heard anything fron bkool I have followed this up with a futlrther message. Lets see how they respond!
"So, have you sorted out the problem of elite trainers in bkool and are you still allowing those summer cup results to stand? For the rest of us, it is now starting to become more than a little irritating/taking the piss."


DP, they will just ignore you, Pep Tache results stood last year, where he was flat lining with huge watts whilst his heart rate was going down. Obviously his Bkool Pro was faulty/being manipulated.
Or you will say, there is nothing wrong with Bkool, please check your trainer :smile:
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