I've never done any road bike racing so not that familiar with drafting in the real world. Back in my motorcycle racing days it was useful to help with overtaking on the straights, but in my mountainbike racing days it wasn't useful at all. Anyway, I was also surprised to find myself drafting behind Pep near the start and not finding it that hard going, at which point I think you were slightly ahead before dropping back to assist me. I think we even pulled ahead of him a bit with you at the front, but that was never going to last long with me on tow. Later on I was also wondering if we had a chance at catching the Danes but I was seriously tired by then and just had no oomph left. I think it was a lot down to the fast cadence that was really draining. I need a bigger chainring for a lot of these courses. I spent more time monitoring what was going on behind with my ghost and the guy directly behind me who was at about a minute and for a while I thought he might catch us by the end but instead you turned it into 2 minutes.