Ok, back at bkool and things haven't changed it seems - Still as inconsistent as ever

Tried a warm-up with a new (to me) feature with a video with a dude telling me to go through zone 1 to bla-. bla.... on a flat course. By the time we got zone 2 I had to drop to 34 - 28 doing something like 220 (real) watt's to keep going at the recommended cadence. Well, that warm up was dropped fast and I went straight to a flat danish route and ended up with about 50 watts more than my power pedals.
The problem is not the 50 watts but rather the inconsistency. At one point I was gaining time on my opponent's rapidly without exhausting myself, while I was losing time at close to max.
Please Bkool, reinstate the possibillity of using a power meter