@Daddy Pig, I didn't diet as such, but tried really hard to run a small calorie deficit everyday for the last 12 months. Only lost 20 pounds in a year, so less than a pound a fortnight, but it's making it a permanent change that has worked.
I switched to eating small portions, and trying not to eat when I wasn't hungry. Instead of having a yogurt with lunch I would leave it and then have a single biscuit with a cup of tea mid afternoon, so I didn't get hungry and snack. Same with dinner, I'd leave any pudding and have a yogurt a few hours later, so I didn't raid the fridge before going to bed. After a while, I expected to eat less and got full quicker, and was never really hungry.
It helps a great deal that I don't drink, so the only liquid calories I have are from milk in a few cups of tea each day. It would be much harder if I drank as much as my brothers, who probably get more calories from booze than I do from food!
Cycling really helps, as I don't seem to get too hungry when exercising, and the calories I burn up more than cover the bit of flapjack I tend to have at any cafe stops. If timed well, that serves as lunch and gets me through to my mid afternoon bickie!
One problem is if I go out for a curry with friends or family, I struggle to eat half a curry and a glass of water with no starter or dessert hardly makes me the life and soul of the party. Thankfully my mates having six pints each tend to run a kitty!
Two years ago, when I was bkooling 4 or 5 times a week, the weight really fell off! Hard not to lose weight when two hours on Mont Ventoux at 250+ watts would burn up 2,000 calories, but now my watts are much reduced, the calorie burn is much slower.
Looking at the watts you guys are putting out I'm surprised you're not all thin as rakes...