I have been finding out over the last week that tooth extraction and heavy exercise are not happy bedfellows

. I have been in pain since I had a pair of teeth out last week. The low grade, gnawing, throbbing, won't go away completely, even when attacked with strong pain killers, type pain

The problem is when I try to do some bike work the pain gets worse for me and then I'm really in the poo. It becomes a medium/high grade, gnawing, faster throbbing, won't go away completely, even when attacked with heavy, neurofen plus, pain killers, type pain

. I've spoken to the Dentist and they are saying it is probably bruising coming out. It took 35 minutes to get one of my teeth out. I am getting bored silly now.
Another couple of days and I'll be banging on the dentist door for proper pain relief help.