In the early 80's I had a Benotto 'Oro' which was gifted to me by an ex pro.. all Campag Record if memory serves.. it was absolutely stunning - God I loved that bike. I put a white Selle Royal saddle on it which had gold plating on the rear of it.. ... ... I can see it now...

it was a nice thing.. pre index - 6 block on it. A very badly sweat blemished cross bar..
I thought I was Gianni Bugno but not on a Bianchi..
It's long gone now. I can't bring myself to recant the tale of its demise without fillling up..
When I turned 18 I signed up for 9 years and got 6 months additional back pay.
Rushed out and got me a nice tailored frame.
It was only a Dawes but it was finished in silver flake.
I too had a Royal saddle but it was black but again finished off with the gold emblem on the back just like the retro saddles they sell now.
I had Record group set all be it bought individually, I don't think they sold them as a set them.
My brakes were gold anodised Tektro's though but went well with the silver flake paint work and picked up on the saddle emblem (also had chromed stays and forks).
Bars and stem were TTT and pedals were Campag Track replicas with black plates.
Toe clips were Chistophe (what else) and the straps red Binda's
Wheel hubs where large flange Campag Records(a must at the time) and the rims Mavic.
Tubs were always Clement Criterium.
Chain, blank and gold Regina (another must).
I didn't splash out a lot on clothing, because I didn't earn all that much then and I spent loads on the bike and most of it was supplied by Army all be it I bought my own Madison shorts.
However the shoes were Sidi, black with perforations and Sidi on big white letters with Italian flashes.
I just loved my bike, cleaning and polishing it was never a chore and riding it was always a joy.
1978, loved it!