I must say, with all this talk of Zwift, the numbers do seem to be down for participants on the chaingang - only 6 did last night's I think. This time last year we were getting around 30 for each stage, and easily managing TTT's which we just haven't had the numbers for this year.
This is a real shame - and a little worrying for the longer term future of our leagues I think. Particularly as this is the ideal time of year for indoor cycling

I suspect part of the reason is it takes a certain type of nutter to want to go and race at full pelt 3 times a week, and many people want to do steadier group rides and training plans etc which Zwift is way ahead of Bkool on. Bkool's numerous glitches and their poor customer service is also another reason of course.
I haven't actually tried Zwift yet so have no views on it, although I do really like the sound of many of the features and it's clear that the people behind it are MUCH more user-focussed and open to feedback etc. than Bkool who are frankly awful with this kind of thing as we know.
I really enjoy many aspects of Bkool though - the variety of rides, the ability to do local rides I'm familiar with in the real world, the video rides, and the races and leagues with people I've got to know on here. My wife also likes to use the trainer too (see weight-gate

) and rather than race she particularly likes riding the sunny spanish videos and pretending it's sunny and warm rather than cold, dark and raining! And I'm not really bothered about training plans or steady group rides really - and there's nothing to stop me sometimes doing a slower ride on Bkool if I feel like it.
But, the lack of numbers is a bit worrying and I think it's only a matter of time until I at least try the free trial on Zwift. Don't think I'd pay for bothe Zwift & Bkool though as I won't have time to do justice to them both.