Team BKool CycleChat

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Large Member
I've tried both but my bkool pro was virtually useless using Zwift but I preferred using bkool sim for various reasons anyway.
I've not had much time to join the cycle chat rides due to work commitments but when I can I've really enjoyed the TT races and the organisation by Geoff has been first class.
Saturdays is a non starter for me due to golf matches but I will definitely try and make Tuesdays whenever possible.
For me bkool is my preference and cyclechat bkool adds to that experience.

What firmware is you Pro running on?


Large Member
I think a Nations Cup qualifying league is a great idea. The question is, should we have the qualifier league in the same format as the Nations Cup itself (3 back to back races on a weekend) or should it be a more open/flexible format like chaingang/mtngoats?
Would we get enough entrants? Of course we don't know if there'll be another Nations Cup but we could just assume that there will be.

I might not get more than one 4 hour leave pass a year!


Legendary Member
I think a Nations Cup qualifying league is a great idea. The question is, should we have the qualifier league in the same format as the Nations Cup itself (3 back to back races on a weekend) or should it be a more open/flexible format like chaingang/mtngoats?
Would we get enough entrants? Of course we don't know if there'll be another Nations Cup but we could just assume that there will be.
I would say stick to the current format of weekly league stages, and seek Bkool's support (:headshake:) to brand and publicise it as a national league which doubles as a qualifier for the Nations Cup team if it does happen again. That format would still find the fastest riders over mixed terrains and would be easier to organise and participate in than a one-off event of back to back races (it just might not identify those who will break down with cramp after two stages though :blush:)

That's just given me a great idea - what if (when/if they ever get the avatar kit thing fixed) the winner of the national league got to wear a special GB national champs jersey on their avatar for the year?!

Cliff Matthews

Cliff Matthews BKool Swarm
Hello, just joining the thread to say I'm interested in the group but I don't know how involved I will be able to get. I bought a BKool turbo trainer a couple of years ago and despite the occasional glitches etc I like the system and Bkool. My wife and I opened a cycle cafe in Ipswich 18 months ago and I put the turbo trainer there with an additional log-in account, then bought another, so I have two, one linked to a projector (scarily immersive on downhills) and the other to a computer. I run regular sessions on Tuesday and Friday night and after anyone attending has had their session I take my turn. I could possibly find another evening to participate in rides.

My performance has remained in the Active category with average watts over an hour in the 240 - 280 range. I see the chap who invited me AAAC (Team Cyclechat) is at the 400 level so I would have to set out the previous day to be in with a chance of winning a stage. Nonetheless I am interested because I am keen to be in shape for time trials etc this year.

I echo what is said about publicity etc and I think BKool let themselves down. The concept is good, they just need to think a bit harder about developing the system to meet user needs.

I'm not precious about coming last in a competition but it is nice to have a chance of winning something so a handicap or best improvement in the season may be a good idea.

Looking at Bills' message above. there needs to be some explanation, perhaps in a brief guide etc. A Nations Cup qualifying league sounds intriguing but I don't have a clue what that might be or indeed reference to mountain goats?. The concept of a chaingang I understand on the road and I have managed to wheelsuck on the Bkool system for a while, but organising a rotation of remote turbo trainers must be a feat in itself.

So to conclude, happy to give whatever support I can. Let me know.

Cliff Matthews

Cliff Matthews BKool Swarm
Oh and as an addition, is there a group in BKool that I should link onto?


Legendary Member
Tulse Hill
But isn't what you are suggesting inadvertently reinforcing bkools approach? By that i mean you don't seem to be allowing any room for all types of racer/rider, for category racing say into A,B,C,D or women's racing. You are excluding many more than you are including. That may not matter if you are just looking to recruit to a league to produce a Nations Cup winning team but I am not sure it helps much in the mid to long term. Your average user faced with that or Zwift or whatever might lean away from bkool


Lots of interesting discussion regarding bkool, zwift etc.. I only dropped bkool because the Kickr Snap was so disadvantaged in the BSIM software. I had used zwift on and off, I got a bit bored with it but I wasn't racing, just riding miles on it. TrainerRoad has been a real eye opener, although I get that people would get bored following a line, but it works for me. I really like BigringVR, great videos, good slope transitions. But all said and done I prefer to ride outside, the turbo is a means to an end, better performance on outdoors rides.

I used bkool for three years, through all three interations of their software, I went through two trainers which both failed with similar faults. Their support used to be ok, it is now completely useless. I jumped shipped because of the hardware, and the poor support for non bkool turbos.

My son and wife use zwift, and both enjoy it. The lack of courses doesn't bother them, it does bother me.

Zwift get the user experience, bkool don't. BigRingVR have very responsive support, bkool don't.


Legendary Member
But isn't what you are suggesting inadvertently reinforcing bkools approach? By that i mean you don't seem to be allowing any room for all types of racer/rider, for category racing say into A,B,C,D or women's racing. You are excluding many more than you are including. That may not matter if you are just looking to recruit to a league to produce a Nations Cup winning team but I am not sure it helps much in the mid to long term. Your average user faced with that or Zwift or whatever might lean away from bkool
That's a very fair point Bob - the Nations cup thing alone is a bit elitist. Doesn't mean it shouldn't be done, but your're right that it shouldn't be the only approach.

When we had many more riders there were always people who had no chance of winning but would have good scraps with those of similar ability throughout the league table (and still do of course) - one of the other downsides with the drop in numbers can mean fewer riders at similar levels for people to race with though. When I started out on Bkool I had no chance of winning a race or finishing in the top 5, but I still really enjoyed racing with those around me in the league. And of course, Geoff's handicap races are a great way of giving everyone a good chance to win a stage.

Although it's flawed, Bkool do have their fitness ratings which in theory could be used to create different divisions/leagues for people to ride against those of a similar fitness level, and fight for promotion etc. Again though, you would need sufficient numbers for this to work.

I have no plans to leave Bkool at the moment (and the Nations Cup was great fun) but the problem is, at some point you think: why try and create all this stuff in Bkool ourselves to make it better when much of it is already being done in some way or other by Zwift anyway!

Bored Man

Upstanding Member

You don't need to accept my friends invite, I missed the fact it was you.
I won't be hurt but will be deleting and acceptances as and when I have spread the word as I don't do friends outside of cycle chat as it just clutters up your home page.
Plus messaging via the home page is a total failure unless you have few words to say (which is definitely not me).

Just for a second I allowed myself to think I was popular.. go on... delete me... see if I care.. :becool:
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