Daddy Pig
Just make sure that the next time the GP sticks his finger somewhere you don't feel both his hands on your shoulders...The warning sign is the onset of angina.
I already have heart disease DP so it does not surprise me to get the odd episode.
Last time I did what the GP suggested I went to A&E and they diagnosed indigestion.
Forgive me therefore if I seem reluctant to see my GP.
The only thing he ever seems to do is stick his finger somewhere and I'm getting a little tired of that or tell me I seem perfectly heaithy and how amazed he is how well I have come on in fitness since having stents fitted.
I will then have a range of blood tests which will all come back as normal.
Edit: My work colleague had one a couple of years back and they have done away with treadmill and just inject you with a drug that induces the same results.

Edit: Whoops, off the road, bypassed the gutter and headfirst into the ditch...