Tea? (Part 2)

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Vice Admiral
Just watched the Vuelta highlights, Jens Voigt :shy: :wub:

Oh noes, I forgot he was going to do the common tattering on the last two stages.

* note to self, watch tomorrow's stage on ITV4 *
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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Phew - All done, dinner all prepped for tomorrow, everywhere clean. Just stuffed tuna & cucumber sandwich and now for :cuppa:

Hope you are feeling better tonight @Speicher than last night.

@Hill Wimp yes you definitely need #3 for touring apparently big bertha is made to take a whole person sat on the back pannier so I am assuming she will be fine for stuff...

And now I have been distracted by the dog sitting on the remote and changing channel on the TV to x-factor terrible auditions :eek: I have forgotten what else I was going to say to who :wacko:


Leg End Member
But who was The Velour Curtain ?
There's a third TVC!!
Rocky only has two likes on the other thread. How'd you manage that @Rockymountain?


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Grimsby I assume, I've never got round to eating at their restaurant.

Grimsby indeed. We haven't eaten there for years, but it's good, the portions are huge. But I love it for the decor - absolutely classic Greek-Cypriot-tat. If they ever get rid of the ship's wheel photo framed picture of the Parthenon, I'll cry. And there's that enormous 'statue' (I'm not sure if it's made of fibreglass or concrete!) of a Greek God holding a giant fish.

Dinner was very good, we just managed to have room to polish off the lemon meringue.

Tomorrow we're having a full English brunch, before heading over to see TVC and Lu. I don't think we'll need to eat all next week!
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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
:hello: Night peoples who are going to bed

I might be slightly more excited about tomorrow now I think I shall insist that we also trundle around the back of Southsea Model Village to the Natural History Museum that is open again so that I can watch the flutterbyes in the flutterbye house
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