Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
We've just had fish and chips from Mum's local chippie. We were thinking of going out to eat in their restaurant, but decided it was simpler just to get takeaway. They do quite big portions.

NT and I shared a battered blue whale, while Mum went for a 'mini' fish and chips, so she only got a minke whale.

Bit full now. We've got pudding to come, leftovers from yesterday's lemon meringue pie:


Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
Is it me or is the new series of Whitechapel scarier than the last one. I may have to check for fluff behind the sofa.:surrender:

Hill Wimp

Fair weathered,fair minded but easily persuaded.
We've just had fish and chips from Mum's local chippie. We were thinking of going out to eat in their restaurant, but decided it was simpler just to get takeaway. They do quite big portions.

NT and I shared a battered blue whale, while Mum went for a 'mini' fish and chips, so she only got a minke whale.

Bit full now. We've got pudding to come, leftovers from yesterday's lemon meringue pie:
View attachment 29243

That looks delicious Arch.


My Armchair
:hello: @wolly
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