Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Morning all, yes please to tea, its a bit :cold: here this morning, rain is not due till this afternoon here.

Small people have different requests for breakfast Samuel wants porridge, Maggie wants poached egg they are now "discussing" this. What is actually happening is Samuel is attempting to negotiate a collective decision and Maggie at 3 is just shout no Sammy EGG, very loudly over and over again.

Oh and @potsy There are 9 books in the Brentford Trilogy


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
The lawn is very wet :headshake:and it is starting to rain :headshake:and I have lit the fire coz it is :cold:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
View attachment 29255 Some local village idiot had moved all the signs around in Pately Bridge had moved all the signs around. Apparently a few unfortunate individuals ended up inadvertently adding Greenhow Hil to their ride! Fortunately, I had a look at the map first so didn't make that mistake!

Did you go up that really steep hill out of Pately Bridge at Bewerley ( not greenhow the one next to it ) ?


Legendary Member
:hello: Morning All. Mrs GM has just brought me :cuppa: in bed. Just worked out how to post using my iPhone, I'm a slow learner with all this techno stuff. Must get out for a ride around the Hertford lanes before it rains.
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