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Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Any you do like then?

Back then they paid you!
You got to choose which pub you were spending your on call time in. That were handy, did they buy yer drinks as well!
Did the driver phone to let you know you weren't needed, or did you just wait out your allotted time at the bar.
Pity, you could have attached your mate to it, he might not have fallen off that night, wasting time looking for him.
Rare, but not impossible to find...

Dry today if a little overcast here. Rain first thing though and it were supposed to be a dry start to the day.
Cooked outside whilst you were stoning?

Nah, I only like cake not days..
Of course, enough for beer and stuff like hand made burger suppers with tomatoey fried onions, 22p (2p was for the onions)
We'd just change pubs if not needed, 9pm was check-in time, got called out more than a few times around midnight...

Never stoned,
it'll get done at some point..

HF blackout,
need to find something else to do:whistle:


Leg End Member
Nah, I only like cake not days..
Of course, enough for beer and stuff like hand made burger suppers with tomatoey fried onions, 22p (2p was for the onions)
We'd just change pubs if not needed, 9pm was check-in time, got called out more than a few times around midnight...

Never stoned,
it'll get done at some point..

HF blackout,
need to find something else to do:whistle:
No days, no cake though. I mean how would you know what cake you should be eating.
Chocolate, cheesecake, apple turnover, strawberry cheesecake...
They paid for some warm food then. "Tomatoey fried onions" they a local delicacy then. 22p for a handmade burger, now they'd charge you that for the paper napkin alone.
Changed so they couldn't locate you, nifty thinking. And being on standby meant you could have a sit-in if you were there while midnight.

Toodles can help. She can sit there giving instructions as she checks yer work.

There were talk over the weekend of another solar storm the start of this week. Could that be the reason behind the blackout?
Or are sinister forces at hand....
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