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Leg End Member
Tech maybe not their strong point.
I have to sign in monthly with one...easy to do.

I'd a fancy flavoured cider but yeugh, easy drinking but over flavoured...
heartburn later.....
Guinness? might be too heavy.....
haven't really missed my nightly glass though..
I could do without...
It's only a small section getting stoned,
I'd still have finished it all in stone but kids need to play somewhere..
Off to see what's on't radio..
eyeing my handhelds cautiously though...
Possible, but I think the talk of backhanders and sweeteners were closer to the mark. Their record on the privacy front was and is abysmal.

I'd be wanting to stick with the unflavoured version. The flavoured versions being for those trying to be seen as being "trendy".
Caused by yer cider!
Like any good medicine there's a downside.
That old saying of immoral, illegal or bad for you seems to be getting truer every day.
Stone the kids! A bit harsh in't'it.
Retirement and liquidation, remember ....
Walk on the cards?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Possible, but I think the talk of backhanders and sweeteners were closer to the mark. Their record on the privacy front was and is abysmal.

I'd be wanting to stick with the unflavoured version. The flavoured versions being for those trying to be seen as being "trendy".
Caused by yer cider!
Like any good medicine there's a downside.
That old saying of immoral, illegal or bad for you seems to be getting truer every day.
Stone the kids! A bit harsh in't'it.
Retirement and liquidation, remember ....
Walk on the cards?
The handhelds were a reference to those ones that got blown up..
think I might have four or five LOL but not the make that blew up..
only one tablet to take so hopefully things are cleared up.. we'll see.
True on both points. But you try waiting on one to get here, you'll be waiting a while...


Leg End Member
The handhelds were a reference to those ones that got blown up..
think I might have four or five LOL but not the make that blew up..
only one tablet to take so hopefully things are cleared up.. we'll see.
Handhelds blown up? Thought it were pagers that were exploding this time round.
Bad battery and/or electrical design or something else.
If they've cut it down to one things can't be that bad now. How big is the one you're still taking.
Here's for good news...
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