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Leg End Member
G'day :hello:

Happy Valentine's day (to you girls)😍

Early to bed, early to rise
that makes a man wealthy and wise...

nah, don't believe it..

It's that late, already...

Have you tried the early to bed part, when you were younger?


Leg End Member
I used to be a tap dancer....

got fed up falling into the sink...

after that Dad joke, I'll get my coat.

It'll cost money, no doubt..
You never tried it on the bath taps?

Ay, be as good as yer joke were bad.

Just don't tell them jokes about being a tap dancer, they might extract payment whilst they have you out/under.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
G'day :hello:
This early to bed, wealthy thing is a scam, just have along lie if possible....

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Bit late to be finding that bit out. Probably worked when you were younger though.

Natural or refined, do you know.
Yer fructose levels will have shot up then.
You can't really win on that one. Even yer "five a day" is now suspect.

My five a day?
Simples, I'll have four tins of cider and one lager to balance it all out, next day I'll reverse it, sorted :smile:

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Sounds like a plan.
How long do you feel you'd be able to stick to it?

I've had one so far :ohmy:
Watching the RaceduSol and said at 30 kms to go, if Pog wins, I'm heading out on the bike and the sod ran away with it so off and out I headed. Identical almost to the other days run but much windier, sitting here wabbit, haven't been like this for a long time..
Early to bed and I'll still wake up brassic lint.
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