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Bobby Mhor

Behind You
I got dad an Apple tree from an eBay seller which turned out well.

Anything here? https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_...7.m570.l1313&_nkw=Victoria+Plum+tree&_sacat=0

Ta, Mo.
I'm looking for a certain rootstock, I got a 'dual' plum tree as a present last year but looking for one of the dinky wee ones to put on the sitting bit. The other ones I bought, I had choice of trees so picked the best. You get random when it is sent...
any excuse for a prowl, they are just about to get summer stocks in soon although a last year one would do.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Sounds like it from yer report.
Have you tried the top of yer head?

And there were mi, thinking you'd found summat new on yer latest invasion.
Aah, yer little Jack Horner impression.
You in the corner, someone else on the naughty step...

Who's playing who?

Latest invasion was really just over 24 hours..
Never thought of spending sometime prowling GCs when down.

Rain eventually appeared..


Leg End Member
Latest invasion was really just over 24 hours..
Never thought of spending sometime prowling GCs when down.

Rain eventually appeared..
That short atime!!
Chances are there'd be a similar selection this side.

Wind is picking up here. No rain, yet.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You

I wish I could have one:sad:

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Did the pears quench the urge?
There for the night!
Schools out tomorrow?
You didn't put a lock on the drawer, then loose the key.

I found some salted peanuts..
Aye, sleepover..
Nursery bound...
Looking chilly out..
Off to watch a repeat of today's mens cyclocross


Leg End Member
I found some salted peanuts..
Aye, sleepover..
Nursery bound...
Looking chilly out..
Off to watch a repeat of today's mens cyclocross
Did the salted peanuts do the trick?
Does he understand the sleep part...
You or him?
Temperatures set to drop this week, with "over 5cm of snow an hour" due by tuesday.
Expecting the winner to be different second time around!

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Did the salted peanuts do the trick?
Does he understand the sleep part...
You or him?
Temperatures set to drop this week, with "over 5cm of snow an hour" due by tuesday.
Expecting the winner to be different second time around!

I could get addicted to salty p'nuts...
Yep, he is no problem..
mind you the call for me just after 6 :laugh:

Snow, that'll be an emergency COBRA meeting then:laugh:


Leg End Member
I could get addicted to salty p'nuts...
Yep, he is no problem..
mind you the call for me just after 6 :laugh:

Snow, that'll be an emergency COBRA meeting then:laugh:
Bigger packet(s) now on your shopping list?
Lights out means just that then.
Did he wake yer from yer slumber.

They'll have called that meeting last week. Thus allowing the weather folk to say how fast it'd be falling.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Bigger packet(s) now on your shopping list?
Lights out means just that then.
Did he wake yer from yer slumber.

They'll have called that meeting last week. Thus allowing the weather folk to say how fast it'd be falling.

I'm cutting back (allegedly)
and still the scales keep coming up with wonky readings (honest(aye right :sad: ))

Honeysuckle bouncing back with some nice leaf growth, fruit trees showing slight sign of buds, overwintering sweet peas? less said the better...
Might start sweet peas, peas (and not sure yet) off start next week.
Clematis (2), Jasmine and canny remember its name have been hammered by the frosts, oh well.
Not bothering with inside tomatoes this year....

Mrs M wants me to buy 7 tons of chuckies and a load of sleepers...
must teach Beag the art of chimney sweeping:ohmy:

or we could do a song and dance act..
no, no, no:cuppa:
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