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Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Fair enough, I'll stick with jug though.
Saintsbury's had the Britta filters on offer today.
No recycling point though.

Got back in before the rain started here.
Breeze building though.

Mudlarking, didn't realise you were into bird watching as well.
"Small bird, overall grey with yellow ring round neck and green tip feathers. Ideas over!"

Anything odd happening up there?

What about all those males that don't drink though.
Still not a bad figure.

Been a keen birdwatcher for a looooooong time..
Did volunteer work for the RSPB early '80...
not been a member for a loooooong time...

I'll have a look tomorrow if we ain't washed away,
Met Office threatening BIG rain..

Dunno about odd....


Leg End Member
Been a keen birdwatcher for a looooooong time..
Did volunteer work for the RSPB early '80...
not been a member for a loooooong time...

I'll have a look tomorrow if we ain't washed away,
Met Office threatening BIG rain..

Dunno about odd....
It could be you on the radio asking for confirmation of sightings then. In yer hide, drinks and other refreshments to hand.

They ask for more money from you year on year.

Could you not do a bit of watching of the various night species? Before you're washed away by the BIG rain.
You could take them in, two by two in daylight hours.

Odd, as in not normal.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
It could be you on the radio asking for confirmation of sightings then. In yer hide, drinks and other refreshments to hand.

They ask for more money from you year on year.

Could you not do a bit of watching of the various night species? Before you're washed away by the BIG rain.
You could take them in, two by two in daylight hours.

Odd, as in not normal.

One of the few organisations who don't offer 'senior' discount, one wag says their income would be slashed as its all auld punters that are in it :laugh:
TBH I was looking at a Jock bird club but nah, save my money, found it funny.
With paper magazines being sent, it only cost 4 quid more than if you got a digital membership..whit?

Years ago, I ran a website/forum/shop for an national organisation of over 400 members, four magazines per year and the printing , setup costs were crippling the money incoming.
Bloke doing the mag stuff retired, within 3 month, one of the committees partners (not a member) had the magazine setup and printing organised at 2/3 rds of the previous cost and a better quality print. I offered to set up a digital portal, to make it cheaper for membership, answer I got? How can I read that in the toilet? seriously ?

I then gave up the hobby, so golf course was having web problems so I ran up a sample for them to decide and I offered to run it for the first year, free gratis. They got the treasurers nephew who used a Wordpress template and got a free basic membership for what he did, worth £300. I was doing it for FREE. 6 months in, are you still willing to run it? am I f*** :laugh:
Funnily I only stopped paying for the domain I had it parked on a couple of years ago but I did let them see what they had missed out on.
Drone flyovers of every hole (before they were a thing), someone tried to sell me a pro quality drone so I tested it LOL.
Haven't done anything since and not likely too, too much grief
over 3.5 units and a pint of milk.....


Leg End Member
One of the few organisations who don't offer 'senior' discount, one wag says their income would be slashed as its all auld punters that are in it :laugh:
TBH I was looking at a Jock bird club but nah, save my money, found it funny.
With paper magazines being sent, it only cost 4 quid more than if you got a digital membership..whit?

Years ago, I ran a website/forum/shop for an national organisation of over 400 members, four magazines per year and the printing , setup costs were crippling the money incoming.
Bloke doing the mag stuff retired, within 3 month, one of the committees partners (not a member) had the magazine setup and printing organised at 2/3 rds of the previous cost and a better quality print. I offered to set up a digital portal, to make it cheaper for membership, answer I got? How can I read that in the toilet? seriously ?

I then gave up the hobby, so golf course was having web problems so I ran up a sample for them to decide and I offered to run it for the first year, free gratis. They got the treasurers nephew who used a Wordpress template and got a free basic membership for what he did, worth £300. I was doing it for FREE. 6 months in, are you still willing to run it? am I f*** :laugh:
Funnily I only stopped paying for the domain I had it parked on a couple of years ago but I did let them see what they had missed out on.
Drone flyovers of every hole (before they were a thing), someone tried to sell me a pro quality drone so I tested it LOL.
Haven't done anything since and not likely too, too much grief
over 3.5 units and a pint of milk.....
That's one thing that annoys me, they take your money to help them care and look after the animals, then waste part of the money on updates on how they are doing. Why?

Setting up is always the expensive part. Once it's up and running, costs should reduce.

Can I take it you were involved in the digital side before "smartphones" took over.

Having been turned down, I'd have upped the cost to them, if they still wanted me to do the job. One chance and if they turn that down...
They must really have liked you when you turned them down, then showed them what you had planned for them.
You weren't rubbing it in by chance were you?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
That's one thing that annoys me, they take your money to help them care and look after the animals, then waste part of the money on updates on how they are doing. Why?

Setting up is always the expensive part. Once it's up and running, costs should reduce.

Can I take it you were involved in the digital side before "smartphones" took over.

Having been turned down, I'd have upped the cost to them, if they still wanted me to do the job. One chance and if they turn that down...
They must really have liked you when you turned them down, then showed them what you had planned for them.
You weren't rubbing it in by chance were you?

Just 30 mins wonder why right hand tower went kaput..
Start by changing main fuse.. non.
mmm, try new power cable..ah.
Fuses were okay so dunno...
but going again.

Lots of precipitation since midnight. 35 mm almost, wowsa..
MOff was correct with its rain alert...

Charity adverts?
it's the hard sell now...

the latest ones are a bit too much,
I understand why they do it and I do donate to a couple ..
better bite my lip...
wee baba is here soon so better go put on my shiny face

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Yep. It’s been a quick one!

We had snow overnight which has turned to rain so it’s a horrible slushy mess. I have toddled round to the supermarket and suspect that will be my exercise for the day.

We've just had the wet stuff, think more is forecast.
As I wrote above, granddaughter is due to arrive soon..
I may be getting left in charge, cannot just put on Paw Patrol for this one:laugh:


Leg End Member
Yep. It’s been a quick one!

We had snow overnight which has turned to rain so it’s a horrible slushy mess. I have toddled round to the supermarket and suspect that will be my exercise for the day.
Time flying by. If we could slow time down, would you want to?*

You've yer arm exercises to do yet.

*Looking at getting a few folk to run westwards, at the same time to try and alter the rotational speed of the earth. Can I count on your participation?


Leg End Member
Oh, well a day in bed that one...
Dunno if my Friday night out is happening either..
more like miss it anyway..

off to baba sit..
they actually trust me:cuppa:
Nearly 20,000 people injured in bed last year...
The last Friday night of the year, and you're staying home. Get out there. They may have chocolate digestives!

Enjoy yerssen. Remember what you're there to do. And it's minimum rate of pay per hour.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Nearly 20,000 people injured in bed last year...
The last Friday night of the year, and you're staying home. Get out there. They may have chocolate digestives!

Enjoy yerssen. Remember what you're there to do. And it's minimum rate of pay per hour.

It's real choccy biscuits....

Nah, I'll miss this and go back next year.
L'al baba still here, Granny is on driving duties so...
lots of flooding on roads in the area.

Going to see if anything on't telly

that'll take a couple of mins.
I have a Moonshiners to catch up on
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