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Leg End Member
It's real choccy biscuits....

Nah, I'll miss this and go back next year.
L'al baba still here, Granny is on driving duties so...
lots of flooding on roads in the area.

Going to see if anything on't telly

that'll take a couple of mins.
I have a Moonshiners to catch up on
Could be...

Might be for the best, the way things seem to be going. There's always next year, as you said.
She were brought to you, not you to her. And you've backup as well. You sure you're actually babysitting?

No flooding down these parts, which given the rain this week is a surprise. Looking at the local beck and brook, you'd never think there'd been heavy rain. Compared to previous years at least.

Don't sit on it if there isn't!
Do they still show them setting up their equipment. Or is it they start and the camera returns as they're finishing?
The latter will give you no instructions or help in setting your own up.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Could be...

Might be for the best, the way things seem to be going. There's always next year, as you said.
She were brought to you, not you to her. And you've backup as well. You sure you're actually babysitting?

No flooding down these parts, which given the rain this week is a surprise. Looking at the local beck and brook, you'd never think there'd been heavy rain. Compared to previous years at least.

Don't sit on it if there isn't!
Do they still show them setting up their equipment. Or is it they start and the camera returns as they're finishing?
The latter will give you no instructions or help in setting your own up.

Burn readings..
both just over a mile as the crow flies, opposite side of the hill


Bonny Water


River Carron

approx.60cm below highest levels recorded since 2006

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Nothing like that on your side of the hill?

Calder Valley were expecting flooding if we got heavy rain or snow and it started thawing. Almost every year there's a problem.

I had written it wrong, Carron this side, the Bonny that side, funnily the Bonny flows into the Carron less than half a mile downstream from the SEPA marker.
Been bad all over apparently..
Postie still delivering xmas cards :laugh:

Good day with the new wee yin being here late morning and afternoon..
I'm having a long lie in the morning...
Someone bring the thread milk in and open the curtains and air the place, I'll be late


Leg End Member
I had written it wrong, Carron this side, the Bonny that side, funnily the Bonny flows into the Carron less than half a mile downstream from the SEPA marker.
Been bad all over apparently..
Postie still delivering xmas cards :laugh:

Good day with the new wee yin being here late morning and afternoon..
I'm having a long lie in the morning...
Someone bring the thread milk in and open the curtains and air the place, I'll be late
How long have you been there now?
And still you get it wrong, I dunno.
Cards posted in November, from Ireland, are still somewhere in the postal system. Somewhere...

She wore you out?
You're bigger and more able than she is, it should be the other way round.
The Boss driven her back home.
Last milk of the year tomorrow, don't loose it. Enjoy the long lie in.
Don't close the windows and they'll not need opening in the morning.

Know anything of the Bearsden area?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
How long have you been there now?
And still you get it wrong, I dunno.
Cards posted in November, from Ireland, are still somewhere in the postal system. Somewhere...

She wore you out?
You're bigger and more able than she is, it should be the other way round.
The Boss driven her back home.
Last milk of the year tomorrow, don't loose it. Enjoy the long lie in.
Don't close the windows and they'll not need opening in the morning.

Know anything of the Bearsden area?

Bearsden ? aye a wee bit

Babies are hard work at my age:laugh:
I told a long lie last night, the thought of missing the greyline was too strong so......
naughty step for me...


Leg End Member
Bearsden ? aye a wee bit

Babies are hard work at my age:laugh:
I told a long lie last night, the thought of missing the greyline was too strong so......
naughty step for me...
Heard of a Brandon Lee?

You should be used to it now though. Looking after the Young Un an'all, as you have been.
You went down the scout hut?
Did they have chocolate biscuits for their last meet of the year.
You know what thought did...
Leave room for the Young Un!

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Heard of a Brandon Lee?

You should be used to it now though. Looking after the Young Un an'all, as you have been.
You went down the scout hut?
Did they have chocolate biscuits for their last meet of the year.
You know what thought did...
Leave room for the Young Un!

He was in my pals class first time through secondary school..
I never watched the program but know the story which pops up occasionally over the year..
No hut of Scouts last night..
didn't know if on and tbh Mrs M had been busy enough without running me about..
Always a full tub of the best chocccy ..
The GOOD biscuits are always brought out :laugh:


Leg End Member
He was in my pals class first time through secondary school..
I never watched the program but know the story which pops up occasionally over the year..
No hut of Scouts last night..
didn't know if on and tbh Mrs M had been busy enough without running me about..
Always a full tub of the best chocccy ..
The GOOD biscuits are always brought out :laugh:
Watched it last night for the first time. Odd the reactions from those who were there at the time. Felt sorry for the lass that played the female lead in the school play though, when the video was played back to her for the first time since the play.

You just stayed in home and nobbled all the hobnobs?
Drive you there, you don't walk there?
Who buys the GOOD biscuits then.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Watched it last night for the first time. Odd the reactions from those who were there at the time. Felt sorry for the lass that played the female lead in the school play though, when the video was played back to her for the first time since the play.

You just stayed in home and nobbled all the hobnobs?
Drive you there, you don't walk there?
Who buys the GOOD biscuits then.

The GOOD biscuit buyer :cuppa:
If nothing else on I might take a look at it but it has been done to death up here over the years, it keeps popping up like something that won't flush:ohmy:
It's a no bad distance away mostly on a shady country road, no pavements....
Bogey Man might get me in the dark...


Leg End Member
The GOOD biscuit buyer :cuppa:
If nothing else on I might take a look at it but it has been done to death up here over the years, it keeps popping up like something that won't flush:ohmy:
It's a no bad distance away mostly on a shady country road, no pavements....
Bogey Man might get me in the dark...
Would that be yourself by any chance?
Be honest, would you have wanted to go back to school, twenty years after you left, as a pupil. I went back 15 years after leaving, but that was to get a group of volunteers to go climbing for a day.
It was a Scottish TV channel I watched it on. Heard of it before, but the first time I'd watched anything about it.

You don't do shady country roads with no pavements, at night. What about daytime, or is it as unsafe then.
The bogey man won't get you, don't worry.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Would that be yourself by any chance?
Be honest, would you have wanted to go back to school, twenty years after you left, as a pupil. I went back 15 years after leaving, but that was to get a group of volunteers to go climbing for a day.
It was a Scottish TV channel I watched it on. Heard of it before, but the first time I'd watched anything about it.

You don't do shady country roads with no pavements, at night. What about daytime, or is it as unsafe then.
The bogey man won't get you, don't worry.

I did tell the GOOD biscuit buyer of the 10% off at Iceland for auld yins on Tuesdays.
I could help there....

No way, Jose... I couldn't wait to get out.
I saw a job for a message boy with behind the counter work in a camera/opticians and popped in, start Monday? this was Thursday, into school next morning and let them know..
the encouragement to stay was deafening
the tartan duffel bag may still be lying at the bottom of the wee dam just down from the school.

£5 12s 6d per week...
( my first pub bought pint a year or so later was 1/10d)
Fish supper was a penny(d) dearer...


Leg End Member
I did tell the GOOD biscuit buyer of the 10% off at Iceland for auld yins on Tuesdays.
I could help there....

No way, Jose... I couldn't wait to get out.
I saw a job for a message boy with behind the counter work in a camera/opticians and popped in, start Monday? this was Thursday, into school next morning and let them know..
the encouragement to stay was deafening
the tartan duffel bag may still be lying at the bottom of the wee dam just down from the school.

£5 12s 6d per week...
( my first pub bought pint a year or so later was 1/10d)
Fish supper was a penny(d) dearer...
Did they listen?
You can tell them where they are, but can you make them go there.

Nor could I. That's the bit I thought might have been answered last night, but it wasn't.
You that well liked at school by the teachers! Mine were worried in case I opted to stay in the sixth form. Like you, I were out as soon as possible.
Not the same luck in getting a job as you though. Too old for school, too young for the employment exchange to deal with.

Did you see if it were still there, earlier this year when water levels were low.
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