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Leg End Member
Time to remember those not with me...

Lochs and Glens quite a few companies oop here..
Them and others are breathing life into highland areas by buying up hotel/motel type places, I think it's a great way to see the country.
In my early years we did day tours which took us to parts of Scotland we'd probably never seen, from Easter to late Sept, at least 10 destinations available daily , obviously before cars became more affordable, loved the evening mystery tours, more a quick run to somewhere, time for Dads to grab a pint then straight back, drivers made a few bob in tips with the hat passed round, almost a drop off outside your door or short walk.
We were lucky to be not far from Gourock where Calmac steamers did sails and trips 'doon the watter'..
now you pile everybody in the car and get a Maccys/chippy en route instead of having a family picnic, my lot didn'tt we still did the picnic thing, tartan rug etc :laugh:
eyeball Alice time..

no, not Alice, Alice who the is Alice:cuppa:
Sorry it wasn't for happier reasons.

"Lochs and Glen's" was the company name on the coach. Should have got the number and gave them a call, or look them up. Tour coaches aren't a common sight round these parts, much less a Scottish one.

Used to work for a company that did Scottish tours, as well as Irish, via coach's. Did a mystery tour years ago. It slowly became apparent that it was becoming a real mystery tour. Daft things like going past the same place more than once. Turned out the driver was lost, and was useless with an A to Z.

You'll have to treat the Young Un to one of your old away day car trips, when the weather gets warmer.

Twenty-four years and you still don't know!


Leg End Member
Good Evening lost lost peoples :hello:
I hope you are all keeping well on here and Mr Bone Bag is keeping you all entertained :laugh:
Hope Mrs Dragon is also alive and well and does she still post her photos on here? ^_^
Must get on, best wishes to you all :okay:
Nice to know you're still around.
I'm mi normal self, can't speak for the rest of them. They're still around though.
I'm not lost, not even lost lost.

Hope you enjoy yerssen over the next ten days.


Leg End Member
Glad to hear your are keeping well Mr C, no doubt up to your normal tricks ;)
Will try to enjoy the festivities, but a big of a Scrooge to be honest :laugh:
I'm doing what I've always done, why change?
Think you'll have a clear advantage over plenty of others this year. Assuming you hold true to yer Scrooge principles.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Good Evening lost lost peoples :hello:
I hope you are all keeping well on here and Mr Bone Bag is keeping you all entertained :laugh:
Hope Mrs Dragon is also alive and well and does she still post her photos on here? ^_^
Must get on, best wishes to you all :okay:

How do, Mr Choo:hello:
Hope all is well in choo-choo land..

Only myself and old Bones post with the occasional flurry from oor Mo and the odd passer by:cuppa:
All the very best for the holiday period:okay:

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Good morningy thing, peeps:hello:
Think it may iced up some but see temp back to 3c with some precipitation also..
Oop early to Xmas clean:laugh:

There'll be a knock at the door...

Not cheap this year.
What about Eeyore and Piglet?


There will be at knock at door today..
I ordered a small item from the big river company, it's been moved up the country from Abertawe (aye THAT place:laugh:) to nearby ...
a treat to myself.......:whistle:
Alexa is too, she just told me again for the third time since I got up, it's on its way

it cost 3.99:laugh:


Leg End Member
Good morningy thing, peeps:hello:
Think it may iced up some but see temp back to 3c with some precipitation also..
Oop early to Xmas clean:laugh:

There will be at knock at door today..
I ordered a small item from the big river company, it's been moved up the country from Abertawe (aye THAT place:laugh:) to nearby ...
a treat to myself.......:whistle:
Alexa is too, she just told me again for the third time since I got up, it's on its way

it cost 3.99:laugh:
Owdo tha noo!
How much cleaning have you to do, if you've to start a day early. And have to start early to boot. That spell of "warm weather" didn't last long, did it.

Yer already expecting a knock on yer door. A second knock might throw yer day out, entirely.
Just as well it won't be Royal Mail that'll be delivering, they're out on strike today 'n tomorrow.
Not on a mail train? They were out yesterday. M62 has been shut for the best part of the last 48 hours.
Wouldn't trust a machine telling me, especially one in home. I mean, how can it know where it is?

Only a small treat then?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Owdo tha noo!
How much cleaning have you to do, if you've to start a day early. And have to start early to boot. That spell of "warm weather" didn't last long, did it.

Yer already expecting a knock on yer door. A second knock might throw yer day out, entirely.
Just as well it won't be Royal Mail that'll be delivering, they're out on strike today 'n tomorrow.
Not on a mail train? They were out yesterday. M62 has been shut for the best part of the last 48 hours.
Wouldn't trust a machine telling me, especially one in home. I mean, how can it know where it is?

Only a small treat then?

It's just been announced it'll be here,
the early van too..
I thought the mail have been permanently on strike..
not much through the door this Xmas..

or I should take the hint no one took up my 'send me presents' offer I made here the other day......
Wonder if the union leaders are taking a wage whilst the manuals are on strike.....
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