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Leg End Member
Had a few, yes...
went back home in Feb '77:laugh:

12.7mm of precipitation today,
Got to just over 13c now just above 6c..
Snow, Ice, what snow or Ice:cuppa:
Only a "few"?
The edge of the field is where you can find the odd few plants on their own. Too far out of line for machine picking.
You spent six months camping out!

Don't know how much fell in the early hours, but the heaven's opened around midnight.
Just managed to creep into double figures here.
No ice on the ground yet, but temperatures are going to drop again, this week.

Feeling any better?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Only a "few"?
The edge of the field is where you can find the odd few plants on their own. Too far out of line for machine picking.
You spent six months camping out!

Don't know how much fell in the early hours, but the heaven's opened around midnight.
Just managed to creep into double figures here.
No ice on the ground yet, but temperatures are going to drop again, this week.

Feeling any better?

Your arithmetic is wobbly, Mr C..
It was six years..
only the mentioned two weeks were camping...

I met a landlady where I had stayed temporally whilst doing a job in the area, I know, digs and I stayed only 45 mins away by bus LOL
I just headed home, packed my wee brown case and that was it until the present Mrs M happened by on a weekend trip..
Chaos theory?
her and her pals tossed a coin between 'there' and Ayr, 'there' obviously won..
all this suffering, having to share my chocolate and pain could have been avoided by an alternative head or tail..

Another beer needed to wash away the pain

any excuse:laugh:


Leg End Member
Your arithmetic is wobbly, Mr C..
It was six years..
only the mentioned two weeks were camping...

I met a landlady where I had stayed temporally whilst doing a job in the area, I know, digs and I stayed only 45 mins away by bus LOL
I just headed home, packed my wee brown case and that was it until the present Mrs M happened by on a weekend trip..
Chaos theory?
her and her pals tossed a coin between 'there' and Ayr, 'there' obviously won..
all this suffering, having to share my chocolate and pain could have been avoided by an alternative head or tail..

Another beer needed to wash away the pain

any excuse:laugh:
Okay, dodgy arithmetic on my part. In my defence, I wasn't there.
You dealt with the local midge population, easily?

The pub type landlady, might explain a thing or two, or the renting accommodation type?
Where would you be now if the coin had landed the other way up. Could it be you were set to meet each other.

Why not, just be mindful of your supplies.

Why's an excuse required?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You

Okay, dodgy arithmetic on my part. In my defence, I wasn't there.
You dealt with the local midge population, easily?

The pub type landlady, might explain a thing or two, or the renting accommodation type?
Where would you be now if the coin had landed the other way up. Could it be you were set to meet each other.

Why not, just be mindful of your supplies.

Why's an excuse required?

I often wonder..
also if I'd become a ten pound Pom earlier mid '60s...
Glad I stayed....

I can always drink to forget..

renting accommodation type...


Leg End Member
View attachment 671780 :hello:

I often wonder..
also if I'd become a ten pound Pom earlier mid '60s...
Glad I stayed....

I can always drink to forget..

renting accommodation type...
What might have been... It might have been that, this, or....
Do you think you'd have got used to the heat.
You like those midges really.

Suppose you forget why you started drinking though!

Another theory out the window. Time to start on another now.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
What might have been... It might have been that, this, or....
Do you think you'd have got used to the heat.
You like those midges really.

Suppose you forget why you started drinking though!

Another theory out the window. Time to start on another now.

Nein, niet, non, nay, no..

I forgot what I was to forget about:cuppa:

Bobby Mhor

Behind You

Have a cuppa, or a McD's coffee, see if that helps.

Sod that.....alcohol:laugh:

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Busy morning?

Can't have been important, unless it were one of those things that shouldn't be forgotten.* Ah well I hope you carried on...

*One of those and you'd have been reminded quick enough.

Had left early and travelled thorough to the old neck of the woods..
did what had to be done and had a food treat then back through the usual traffic hold up that is Glasgow...
Roll on one of those Star Trek transporters..

Beam me up, Jimmy:cuppa:
save a lot of hassle but no doubt the government of the time will let the private sector run it and price the ordinary punter out of it...


Leg End Member
Had left early and travelled thorough to the old neck of the woods..
did what had to be done and had a food treat then back through the usual traffic hold up that is Glasgow...
Roll on one of those Star Trek transporters..

Beam me up, Jimmy:cuppa:
save a lot of hassle but no doubt the government of the time will let the private sector run it and price the ordinary punter out of it...
Thought you'd be on yer travels, somewhere. Didn't realise you'd to go back to yer olde stomping grounds in the wee hours though. Discount if you travel early?
Pickled egg?
Traffic seems to have increased this week, not just in cities.
We even had a tourist coach round here, Lochs and Glen's. Think the driver may have been lead astray by their satnav. Not much to be seen once it gets dark, but not far from "Bronte Country".

And you'd use one of them, if they were state owned and operated! You'd end up in different places, all at the same time. That or there'd be a fancy light show, then nothing.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Thought you'd be on yer travels, somewhere. Didn't realise you'd to go back to yer olde stomping grounds in the wee hours though. Discount if you travel early?
Pickled egg?
Traffic seems to have increased this week, not just in cities.
We even had a tourist coach round here, Lochs and Glen's. Think the driver may have been lead astray by their satnav. Not much to be seen once it gets dark, but not far from "Bronte Country".

And you'd use one of them, if they were state owned and operated! You'd end up in different places, all at the same time. That or there'd be a fancy light show, then nothing.

Time to remember those not with me...

Lochs and Glens quite a few companies oop here..
Them and others are breathing life into highland areas by buying up hotel/motel type places, I think it's a great way to see the country.
In my early years we did day tours which took us to parts of Scotland we'd probably never seen, from Easter to late Sept, at least 10 destinations available daily , obviously before cars became more affordable, loved the evening mystery tours, more a quick run to somewhere, time for Dads to grab a pint then straight back, drivers made a few bob in tips with the hat passed round, almost a drop off outside your door or short walk.
We were lucky to be not far from Gourock where Calmac steamers did sails and trips 'doon the watter'..
now you pile everybody in the car and get a Maccys/chippy en route instead of having a family picnic, my lot didn'tt we still did the picnic thing, tartan rug etc :laugh:
eyeball Alice time..

no, not Alice, Alice who the is Alice:cuppa:
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