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Bobby Mhor

Behind You
almost 19 mm of rain so far BUT blues skies abound now...

Free coffee time before the month runs out:cuppa:
left the garden centre with wallet unopened:laugh:

Dry but overcast here.
The last cut of the year? Not the compost heap!
Anything you might have missed/forgot about. Fruit intake normal....

Compost heap?
Cooncil broon bin:ohmy:
Pineapple sliced today.......


Leg End Member
almost 19 mm of rain so far BUT blues skies abound now...

Free coffee time before the month runs out:cuppa:
left the garden centre with wallet unopened:laugh:

Compost heap?
Cooncil broon bin:ohmy:
Pineapple sliced today.......
Ayup, tha's there, ere missen
I'd say we can't be that far behind, since midnight. Clear but breezy now.

You only get the one free coffee a month now! How many do you have to pay for to get one free nowadays?

They can do that with those contactless readers now.

No compost heap, you. What's tha use in the garden.
Brown bin, blue bag here.
Is that for something to eat or your exercise for the day.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Ayup, tha's there, ere missen
I'd say we can't be that far behind, since midnight. Clear but breezy now.

You only get the one free coffee a month now! How many do you have to pay for to get one free nowadays?

They can do that with those contactless readers now.

No compost heap, you. What's tha use in the garden.
Brown bin, blue bag here.
Is that for something to eat or your exercise for the day.

Fiver for two big fruit scones recoup the free coffee money..
two coffees, six quids x 12 = 72, a 10 spot for the yearly rewards card

a morning out and a prowl around the place...
I'll buy one of them wee resin robins yet...


Leg End Member
Fiver for two big fruit scones recoup the free coffee money..
two coffees, six quids x 12 = 72, a 10 spot for the yearly rewards card

a morning out and a prowl around the place...
I'll buy one of them wee resin robins yet...
You don't just get your free coffee when you go in then.
£72 for 10 points! The olde system seemed to be fairer, for you the customer.

You don't go out at night on the prowl? Complete with bag marked swag in one hand and a crowbar in the other.
A wee resin robin, why not a real robin.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
You don't just get your free coffee when you go in then.
£72 for 10 points! The olde system seemed to be fairer, for you the customer.

You don't go out at night on the prowl? Complete with bag marked swag in one hand and a crowbar in the other.
A wee resin robin, why not a real robin.

I have a regular garden Robin...
I can't get a hooped jumper and mask anywhere..
crowbar broke trying to open me wallet:laugh:


Leg End Member
I have a regular garden Robin...
I can't get a hooped jumper and mask anywhere..
crowbar broke trying to open me wallet:laugh:
You want to scare your regular robin away then.
Hooped jumper possible, mask, nah. They were being worn for over two years, must be one round somewhere.
Yer gonna need a stronger crowbar!

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
You want to scare your regular robin away then.
Hooped jumper possible, mask, nah. They were being worn for over two years, must be one round somewhere.
Yer gonna need a stronger crowbar!

I could always get this swag on..

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Could work. Give it a try, if you think you could carry it off.

in 3XL or 4XL?
don't think so....

I'll have the one sugar in mine, since you're making it. Not too much milk...

You, giving orders!
Who's told you off?

No one...
Achilles tendon strain from last weeks hill expeditions, nothing but mild UNTIL eejit here came off a chair after putting a picture up on't wall...
milk curdling scream...
luckily it seems just a bit more stretched..
wot a clown...


Leg End Member
in 3XL or 4XL?
don't think so....

No one...
Achilles tendon strain from last weeks hill expeditions, nothing but mild UNTIL eejit here came off a chair after putting a picture up on't wall...
milk curdling scream...
luckily it seems just a bit more stretched..
wot a clown...
You'll have to try!
Don't think, do...

Anyone hear the scream?
You should know not to stand on chairs, use a ladder.
Can you stretch it any further, without a blood curdling scream. If not hope it heals soon.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
You'll have to try!
Don't think, do...

Anyone hear the scream?
You should know not to stand on chairs, use a ladder.
Can you stretch it any further, without a blood curdling scream. If not hope it heals soon.

Yeah, Mrs M..
had me off to hospital she did...
I'm an idiot....

It's kinda weakly gowping just now..
a hot soak, ibuprofen gel (cannot drop a pill)..
hopefully rhubarb crumble and a cream doughnut will have worked wonders...
if not beer and cider doses will be tried , just in case, well, you never know:laugh:
I was healthy until I moved to this neck of the woods....:sad:


Leg End Member
Yeah, Mrs M..
had me off to hospital she did...
I'm an idiot....

It's kinda weakly gowping just now..
a hot soak, ibuprofen gel (cannot drop a pill)..
hopefully rhubarb crumble and a cream doughnut will have worked wonders...
if not beer and cider doses will be tried , just in case, well, you never know:laugh:
I was healthy until I moved to this neck of the woods....:sad:
Who got the lollipop for being brave?
You'll not be doing it again will you.
I'd say we've all done summat similar.

Try hot and cold water*, alternating between the two every five minutes.
If that doesn't work, try yer rhubarb crumble and doughnut solution.
They don't work, try yer beer and cider.
Unhealthy area then!

*As hot and cold as you can stand, for around half an hour.
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