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Leg End Member
Bleach and Lifeguard are the smells of cleanliness from my younger years....

Best thing is just google Bicycle Mobile HF radio..
much easier to see what is possible..
I have a mobile HF Transceiver so would require a 12v battery say 7ah as I'm not keen on LiPos...
Not an HF fan (I just use it at home)
VHF, UHF and above maybe (mobile)..
the higher the operating spot the better..

Off to prepare for beeswax smells tomorrow:hyper:
Lifeguard still going, or is it the memory of the smell that still lingers with you?

Just checked some of the images, and a few, on two wheels, look lethal for the rider. The recumbents look a better bet.

Will that be the genuine article or artificial beeswax?
I'm starting to worry about you.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Lifeguard still going, or is it the memory of the smell that still lingers with you?

Just checked some of the images, and a few, on two wheels, look lethal for the rider. The recumbents look a better bet.

Will that be the genuine article or artificial beeswax?
I'm starting to worry about you.

Me Mum used gallons of it,
haven't used it at all..
I'm still trying to find that wonder product that does everything.....

I prefer the VHF upwards option..esp bike wise..

The real McCoy, Mr C, no fakery here...
I take a pride in my cleaning...
after all those years of hosing down park shower areas and loos..
it pays not to use a hose :cuppa:
I can smell Jeyes Fluid a week off:ohmy:


Leg End Member
Me Mum used gallons of it,
haven't used it at all..
I'm still trying to find that wonder product that does everything.....

I prefer the VHF upwards option..esp bike wise..

The real McCoy, Mr C, no fakery here...
I take a pride in my cleaning...
after all those years of hosing down park shower areas and loos..
it pays not to use a hose :cuppa:
I can smell Jeyes Fluid a week off:ohmy:
Aversion therapy at work?
Youve not got cupboards of part used products that you've tried that have come up short, yet you've tried again.

Can't be down to equipment requirements on the bike, can it. I'd have thought any spare capacity wouldn't be spare for long.

You'll be paying those bee's a handsome sum for their labour.
After all those years did you not think a light waterproof suit would be handy when hosing.
Handy aye, but at present their use is banned here.
Got the best part of a litre of it. Neighbours were really appreciative of me using it down the drains when it were warmer.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Does that include missen!

Owdo, just in case.


Aversion therapy at work?
Youve not got cupboards of part used products that you've tried that have come up short, yet you've tried again.

Can't be down to equipment requirements on the bike, can it. I'd have thought any spare capacity wouldn't be spare for long.

You'll be paying those bee's a handsome sum for their labour.
After all those years did you not think a light waterproof suit would be handy when hosing.
Handy aye, but at present their use is banned here.
Got the best part of a litre of it. Neighbours were really appreciative of me using it down the drains when it were warmer.

Nothing wasted in Bob's cleaning services....
It definitely bowffs..
for outside and I remember cleaning down greenhouse floors with it in the winter on a windy day, wind had to be coming from the south and doors at both end wide open and hopefully high winds for a couple of days, final spray of something floral... zooflora:wacko:
we'd an old spray unit and mixed disinfectant soap and just whizzed round spraying, every second day was a scrubbing brush on the surfaces, sparkly or what?
The one thing I miss about work is the banter..
6 and a half out now....

Anyhoo..scents are in the air mingling at the Towers.


Leg End Member

Nothing wasted in Bob's cleaning services....
It definitely bowffs..
for outside and I remember cleaning down greenhouse floors with it in the winter on a windy day, wind had to be coming from the south and doors at both end wide open and hopefully high winds for a couple of days, final spray of something floral... zooflora:wacko:
we'd an old spray unit and mixed disinfectant soap and just whizzed round spraying, every second day was a scrubbing brush on the surfaces, sparkly or what?
The one thing I miss about work is the banter..
6 and a half out now....

Anyhoo..scents are in the air mingling at the Towers.
Good to know...

So, if it didn't do what it should have, as well as you thought it would, you find a purpose for it.
Outside is the best place to use it, if you mean Jeyes Fluid. Overpowering inside.
Never had you down as a cleaner, more the gardener sort from what you've said before.

All totally natural smells, wafting in from the kitchen by any chance.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Good to know...

So, if it didn't do what it should have, as well as you thought it would, you find a purpose for it.
Outside is the best place to use it, if you mean Jeyes Fluid. Overpowering inside.
Never had you down as a cleaner, more the gardener sort from what you've said before.

All totally natural smells, wafting in from the kitchen by any chance.

Jeez, I'm eating:laugh:
I was a parkie for 13 years working out and in a bowling green, seconded occasionally to the greenhouses in winter plus after i came out the green I got offered odd shift at footy parks for extras, turned out Mon & Wed even and all day Saturdays for over 20 years..
I reckon I did 31 years of Saturdays....
I'm(was) a greenkeeper eventually I got the c/hand gardener tag....

Still have sweet peas but wonder how long I keep getting them...
got some going for next year..
got some free seeds this week so debating same idea......

if my team get beat later, season over..


Leg End Member
Jeez, I'm eating:laugh:
I was a parkie for 13 years working out and in a bowling green, seconded occasionally to the greenhouses in winter plus after i came out the green I got offered odd shift at footy parks for extras, turned out Mon & Wed even and all day Saturdays for over 20 years..
I reckon I did 31 years of Saturdays....
I'm(was) a greenkeeper eventually I got the c/hand gardener tag....

Still have sweet peas but wonder how long I keep getting them...
got some going for next year..
got some free seeds this week so debating same idea......

if my team get beat later, season over..
Eating, at this time!
You'll not sleep, you know that.

A parkie, telling folk to pick up the litter they dropped no doubt. Using yer sprayer if they didn't do as told.
Level playing field for both?
How odd were the shifts, just "odd" or "downright odd".

Homegrown sweetpeas, the type that keeps on giving.
Will you be able to eat what the seeds produce though.

What are their chances, of not getting beat or winning.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You

Nah, the sweetpea are frown for the smelly perfumed flowers..
saves on air freshener:laugh:

Not that stereotype parkie..
a friendly pick that sh** up please usually sufficed....

each week? minimum of 53 hours..
I did anything extra going..
and for 8 years look after my doctors large garden...
time off was precious but my choice...
my kids could pass me in the street (not really)..
Tonight is game 3 :cuppa:


Leg End Member

Suppose it saves money as well, not buying air fresheners all the time.

Never met one like that. They're the stuff myths are made off.

Seldom did overtime. First time I did overtime during the week, it got stopped the following week. First time I did a Saturday, the building was burned down the same day. It were a clear sign I shouldn't do overtime.
I know waiting times to see a doctor are bad now, but eight years, back then! And you did his garden to keep yer hand in as it were. Nowt serious I hope, eight year wait...

Hope you win.
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