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Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Was that following my advice or had you already decided.
No more "odd" contacts, so far...
Packers on Scottish Television?
Early AM, or later.

Nah, nothing exciting and the packers lost..

Found this and nothing to do with me..

and this
porridge 2.jpg


Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Nothing exciting ever happens near you then. By much, and anyone get hit?
STV, ITV, the same thing only one's Scottish.
You've not been on a raiding party down these parts?
Three Towers, always been an odd area.
Wait while Goldilocks turns up!

Or that person who used to cycle out for her porridge:whistle:
Could be haunting down that way...

Of course, lots happens around these parts being the UFO capitol of Scotland.
I was returning from radio club three weeks ago (?)and we saw a bright orange light in the distance just disappear :ohmy:
no alcohol was involved...
had enough for the day, off to catch the Men's cyclocross (I pressed pause LOL)...


Leg End Member
Or that person who used to cycle out for her porridge:whistle:
Could be haunting down that way...

Of course, lots happens around these parts being the UFO capitol of Scotland.
I was returning from radio club three weeks ago (?)and we saw a bright orange light in the distance just disappear :ohmy:
no alcohol was involved...
had enough for the day, off to catch the Men's cyclocross (I pressed pause LOL)...
Could be, but the piece does say a male voice.
They'd need the right keyfob, electronic access through main doorways, to get onto the right floor.

In an area where even the police have chased UFO's, in the days when they had the time, odd sights aren't all that odd.
Did they leave their empties for you to take back?
Maybe they've been listening in on you and your activities down the scout hut. Be careful!!
No alcohol before or after!

Those poor cyclists, frozen in time until you decide to let them carry on. They'll have cramp by now.

Enjoy yer game.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Late again and you'll be staying behind, you got that!!

You very nearly missed Monday.
Awake all night now?

Eh wis all over the place AM and part PM..
zooming up motorways, back down other motorways,
I even ordered a cappuccino at 10.59am....
living on the edge I was.......

I even swopped a wholemeal loaf (Bob made) for a BIG bag of Bramleys, no Magic Beans for me....
tomorrow I will be coring(?), chopping and stewing.......
In my crystal ball, I see crumbles, eve's pudding and tarts..

anyhoo, a chilled beer awaits....


Leg End Member
Eh wis all over the place AM and part PM..
zooming up motorways, back down other motorways,
I even ordered a cappuccino at 10.59am....
living on the edge I was.......

I even swopped a wholemeal loaf (Bob made) for a BIG bag of Bramleys, no Magic Beans for me....
tomorrow I will be coring(?), chopping and stewing.......
In my crystal ball, I see crumbles, eve's pudding and tarts..

anyhoo, a chilled beer awaits....
'Ere an there, an nowhere at the same time?

Isn't it illegal to ride yer bike on the motorways!
Where'd you order the cappuccino from. That'll show how close to the edge you really were.
No magic beans, I think you were diddled.
No peeling or mashing?
Methinks you need either to give your crystal ball a clean or a reset. It's giving faulty readings.

Who'll be making these crumbles, tarts and puddings...

Enjoy yer beer.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
'Ere an there, an nowhere at the same time?

Isn't it illegal to ride yer bike on the motorways!
Where'd you order the cappuccino from. That'll show how close to the edge you really were.
No magic beans, I think you were diddled.
No peeling or mashing?
Methinks you need either to give your crystal ball a clean or a reset. It's giving faulty readings.

Who'll be making these crumbles, tarts and puddings...

Enjoy yer beer.

Took the Chevrolet...
too speedy for the bike:rolleyes:

Garden Centre..(it must be part of being elderly)
miles away from Italy.....

Known my track record, it'll be clear plastic or summit...

The Towers head chef...and that ain't me...


Leg End Member
Took the Chevrolet...
too speedy for the bike:rolleyes:

Garden Centre..(it must be part of being elderly)
miles away from Italy.....

Known my track record, it'll be clear plastic or summit...

The Towers head chef...and that ain't me...
And it brought you back!
You'll have to hang on to that chevvy.
Maybe pedal a bit quicker. Or buy an ebike, derestricted of course.

You were going in such places years ago, you can't blame that on old age.

It could be, might explain why it's not too good. Could also be user error though.

You're just chief taster then. Making certain it's safe for others to eat.
Good job?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
A wave makes it look as if I'm hiding the time of day:ohmy:
An earlier shower and the black tarry stuff looks wet..

And it brought you back!
You'll have to hang on to that chevvy.
Maybe pedal a bit quicker. Or buy an ebike, derestricted of course.

You were going in such places years ago, you can't blame that on old age.

It could be, might explain why it's not too good. Could also be user error though.

You're just chief taster then. Making certain it's safe for others to eat.
Good job?

I (or we) also have a Clio..
2 car family, 2 folk in the family home and only one driver:cuppa:
a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong story.

Have you looked lately in garden centre cafes?
all auld punters....

I better go, my tune coring and peeling...


Leg End Member
A wave makes it look as if I'm hiding the time of day:ohmy:
An earlier shower and the black tarry stuff looks wet..

I (or we) also have a Clio..
2 car family, 2 folk in the family home and only one driver:cuppa:
a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong story.

Have you looked lately in garden centre cafes?
all auld punters....

I better go, my tune coring and peeling...
Also means you don't have to know the time of day. Always easier
Dry night here, slight mist this morning, but clearing.

Does Nicole know you have her car?
Can you get a lift in either.
You were caught on one of yer raiding parties south of the border!

Not been in one for a while now. Grden centre that is, much less the onsite cafe's.

Don't do any damage. And enjoy the fruits of yer labour.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Also means you don't have to know the time of day. Always easier
Dry night here, slight mist this morning, but clearing.

Does Nicole know you have her car?
Can you get a lift in either.
You were caught on one of yer raiding parties south of the border!

Not been in one for a while now. Grden centre that is, much less the onsite cafe's.

Don't do any damage. And enjoy the fruits of yer labour.

Chevy all the way...the noo:cuppa:
I'll be incognito this time round..
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