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Leg End Member
Good morning:hello:
almost half an inch of water falling from above..
Keeps the dust down i suppose:cuppa:

lazy, one word, lazy..
lots of activity as well, maybe later

We didn't get that much this time. When it starts falling from below you have a problem.
You got dust you need keeping down! Yer best bet is a brush, sweep it up.

Lazy, who's lazy?
I thought you were resting/winding down after number 62 were hit.
You'll be found summat to do if you don't do summat yerssen. Just spread the work out.

If you proceed that is.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
We didn't get that much this time. When it starts falling from below you have a problem.
You got dust you need keeping down! Yer best bet is a brush, sweep it up.

Lazy, who's lazy?
I thought you were resting/winding down after number 62 were hit.
You'll be found summat to do if you don't do summat yerssen. Just spread the work out.

If you proceed that is.

Five days until the ALC starts...
five nights of full sleep:laugh:
The builders send this sweeper round nearly almost on dry days.. dusty plains..
Big black clouds coming over again here so I think more :rain: due soon.
up to 21.6 mm of precipitation...so far.
Some daft bat decided to do all the washing yesterday to hang it out today:cuppa:

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Look don't bright side, it'll be snowing soon.

Mo goes to Perth tomorrow


Leg End Member
Five days until the ALC starts...
five nights of full sleep:laugh:
The builders send this sweeper round nearly almost on dry days.. dusty plains..

up to 21.6 mm of precipitation...so far.
Some daft bat decided to do all the washing yesterday to hang it out today:cuppa:
Five nights of sleep available, do you think you'll manage all five.
You've the builders in, or is that work going on nearby, and a road sweeper is involved. More muck on a wet day.

7/8", who was responsible for the washing being put out. It's dry down here, give 'em a pat don't back.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Five nights of sleep available, do you think you'll manage all five.
You've the builders in, or is that work going on nearby, and a road sweeper is involved. More muck on a wet day.

7/8", who was responsible for the washing being put out. It's dry down here, give 'em a pat don't back.

The mob who built here..

I see Mo has her skies on the roof rack..
On the way to the coop

you know it's fake, blue skies like that in Jockland? nah....
too much

sorry HILARITY going on :rolleyes:


Leg End Member
Good afterthingy:hello:

Fitted more technology for Mrs M this morning,
cue 'how does........'

another wet start but pleasantly sunny outside now.....

Ding dong the witch.......

Does the new technology work as it was expected to.
You were able to answer all those questions I'll assume.

Started wet, stayed wet and it'll be a wet end.

Who you got?
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