Tea? (Part 4)

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Legendary Member
Morning. Awake early again. Pooch has already had a short walk and now having brekkie. I wonder if I still worked and I actually had to get up at this time if it would still feel so easy. Lol.

Morning Mo
Its strange how I find in easier to get up when I am on annual leave.
I wonder what that's about


Morning Teepees! Seems like a nice morning here, blummin wind has died, eventually.

Off to werk, have a good day y'all!


Legendary Member
Can't believe I didn't see it...

Suppose it will be repeated ?

Heard it on the car wireless on way in, another record for Wiggo, how long will this one last ?

It was live on Pick, highlights of it on Skysports 2 at 18:00 this evening.
I guess it should stand for a while, not many capable of beating it.
Alex Dowsett may be a contender. He said at the time he held a bit back, so that would interesting but would need to find 1.5km extra.
Felt sorry for him he never had the build up Wiggo had and only had it a number of weeks. He kept out the way racing in France yesterday.
People go on about Tony Martin but he isn't a track rider, but that would be interesting.
It was a fantastic spectacle yesterday and great for Wiggo.
He made one of his classic amusing comments as he got off his bike.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
elmowaving.jpg everybodee

Looking no bad out there..
I wonder:whistle:
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