Tea? (Part 4)

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Middle Earth
Were you on or off road?
Mostly paths/towpaths so not too bad but there were a couple of rough stretches on the route


Leg End Member
Google fiddle their ***** in Ireland..
I call shenanigans..
plus its the hope they find the truth but all those in the know. know well its Alba...

anyhoo, your from tealand....
Bing also come out in favour of Ireland
Bing Ireland.PNG
Bing Scotland.PNG


Legendary Member
Since they introduced the 5p carrier bag oop 'ere, there is definitely a noticeable reduction of them being lifted as litter. It was a massive problem, if I had a quid for everyone I'd litter checked over the years.....

Litter louts are despicable, so if it is reducing litter that is a positive. I would never do something like that, but as I said they are useful if disposed of properly in the bin.
We have fortnightly wheelie bin collections here and when I put the bin out we had generated 5 asda carrier bags in 2 weeks. That is normal for us and when placed in a charity bag they take very little space up in the wheelie bin.


Leg End Member
That's it then classic, you've got Google, Bing and God, there are no higher authorities. :okay:
The same sort of result for Yorkshire
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