Tea? (Part 4)

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Leg End Member
Been clouting someone or just heavy handed on the kettle drums?

Falco Frank

Oup Norf'
RIDE EAST! I'm going to be touring locally this year - I'd planned to go across the country, but can't afford it this year, so I'm doing some local touring instead. Would love to meet up if you do decide to ride east. It's an amazing country and you will love it. British Columbia is probably one of the most beautiful regions.

@jhawk , thanks for the good vibe! Myself and a good Scottish buddy are flying out on the new Westjet haul from Glasgow, (72 days & 10 hours but, who's counting lol). Farthest east we get is Banff, we have deleted our last rest day already to go to Vancouver island, hoping for 3000 miles if all goes well. I got really excited helping with the route planning but now, I JUST WANNA RIDE :hyper:


Leg End Member
Now I Lay Me Down.png


Leg End Member
Hi ya Mr C
You made it then?
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