Tea? (Part 4)

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Middle Earth
Wish me luck - I have a Belles ride this evening, but rather than take the MTB (with its current gearing issues), I am taking the hybrid.
I am not used to riding it, what with its little tyres and me still trying to throw it about like the MTB :ohmy:
If I manage to stay on it, it will be a miracle :laugh:


Legendary Member
Wish me luck - I have a Belles ride this evening, but rather than take the MTB (with its current gearing issues), I am taking the hybrid.
I am not used to riding it, what with its little tyres and me still trying to throw it about like the MTB :ohmy:
If I manage to stay on it, it will be a miracle :laugh:
At least the wind seems to be easing a bit. I'm sure you will be fine.


Legendary Member
Went for a 30km ride this afternoon, the wind was still unfavourable, a headwind for the last 15km of the ride and an impatient HGV driver forced me down a road I didn't want to go down by making a dangerous overtaking manoeuvre on a RAB followed by a left hook, I was in the correctly marked lane for going straight ahead, the HGV driver didn't seem to care.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Going to Abertawe tomorrow :angry:
You get to escape, thousands don't:okay:

Went for a 30km ride this afternoon, the wind was still unfavourable, a headwind for the last 15km of the ride and an impatient HGV driver forced me down a road I didn't want to go down by making a dangerous overtaking manoeuvre on a RAB followed by a left hook, I was in the correctly marked lane for going straight ahead, the HGV driver didn't seem to care.

Man in big truck beats man on bike..
unfortunately the norm.


Oh my lordy lord what a busy day! Still at werk - deffo earned my corn today!! A good day, but glad to be leaving shortly.
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