Tea? (Part 4)

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Leg End Member
I will.........now if he could kindly put me off all the other extras I eat between meals I might actually drop a few pounds.

Totally off topic, but is everyone else noticing a huge surge in the amount of these charity bags being delivered these days? Seems to be one in the box every few days. I can hardly keep myself in clothes never mind throw them out! :laugh:
Are all of them genuine though?
We've had ones for the local air ambulance(who don't do them), cancer care & the BHF, not the British Heart Foundation. All very genuine looking.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
I used to like fish and chips! :laugh:
Not only that the 6 pickled onions and a gherkin as well:okay:

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
I will.........now if he could kindly put me off all the other extras I eat between meals I might actually drop a few pounds.

Totally off topic, but is everyone else noticing a huge surge in the amount of these charity bags being delivered these days? Seems to be one in the box every few days. I can hardly keep myself in clothes never mind throw them out! :laugh:
I cannot remember but as long as they make a donation to a charity, I suppose the amount is negotiable but some of the scams are allowed only to pay pence..
I may sound uncharitable but I wonder when I see jobs for regional organisers for some charities with wages of £25,000 and over, it kinda puts me off.
Fakes seem to use gmail and yahoo email addresses..

Did you not wonder why there is an increase of males wandering your Strava routes?
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Legendary Member
I will.........now if he could kindly put me off all the other extras I eat between meals I might actually drop a few pounds.

Totally off topic, but is everyone else noticing a huge surge in the amount of these charity bags being delivered these days? Seems to be one in the box every few days. I can hardly keep myself in clothes never mind throw them out! :laugh:

They are much appreciated. Saves us having to buy bin liners for the wheelie bin. All for a good cause
Keep the bags coming I say

Falco Frank

Oup Norf'
I remember going in a transport cafe, many years ago and seeing a trucker pour his pudding with custard all over what looked like a Sunday lunch.

His comment on it, "Its all going down the same way".


Definitely time for a cuppa, to celebrate some great news! Today has been a productive day already, and it's only 11:15AM. Article finished and sent off for fact-checking, before hopefully being sent off for publication in a US canoeing magazine. (I have two coming out in that same mag - if all goes well). Heard that my piece on Mike Ranta - see this thread - has been accepted and should be published in Outer Edge Magazine in Australia in September. My first publication in a physical magazine.

And, an Australian company wants to hire me to do their website writing - Skype call with CEO pending tomorrow. :biggrin:

Good news all round, and a birthday on Sunday!

EDIT: Realised that strangely, my successes have been seeming to gravitate towards Oz.
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I like reading great news like this, lifts my spirits! Well done.

I'm heading over to Vancouver later in the year to hire a motorbike to see as much as possible in two weeks - CANT WAIT :hyper:

RIDE EAST! I'm going to be touring locally this year - I'd planned to go across the country, but can't afford it this year, so I'm doing some local touring instead. Would love to meet up if you do decide to ride east. It's an amazing country and you will love it. British Columbia is probably one of the most beautiful regions.


Middle Earth
RIDE EAST! I'm going to be touring locally this year - I'd planned to go across the country, but can't afford it this year, so I'm doing some local touring instead. Would love to meet up if you do decide to ride east. It's an amazing country and you will love it. British Columbia is probably one of the most beautiful regions.
I'm off to Calgary in September for 3 weeks.....most of which will be spent in the Rockies :biggrin:
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