Tea? (Part 4)

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Legendary Member
Morning folks. A bit better day today. Bora da :hello:

Good Morning Mrs D


Leg End Member
Do You Know.jpg

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Morning Bobby
Nicer down here today
Afternoon Sir Choo:okay:
Poured the 1st mile
and Bob's trip into North Ayrshire and back was dry, breezy in places (always the last stretch) but lotsa sunny spells:smile:


Legendary Member
Blame Bob, for putting you off fish & chips.
I will.........now if he could kindly put me off all the other extras I eat between meals I might actually drop a few pounds.

Totally off topic, but is everyone else noticing a huge surge in the amount of these charity bags being delivered these days? Seems to be one in the box every few days. I can hardly keep myself in clothes never mind throw them out! :laugh:
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