Tea? (Part 4)

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Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
Right, off for my new glasses...I think Mrs ID might be needing some too. :hello:


Because the buyer has no come back or protection for what he is buying because he has sent you a gift of the money.
Brian beat me to it. :smile:

The buyer protection that you get with a normal PayPal transaction doesn't cover gifts, so it's like sending someone cash, you're relying on a bit more trust between you and the seller.

If you send the money and the goods don't turn up PayPal won't be interested.


Leg End Member
Kettles on, im not making them tho, not my turn...:tongue:
Three sugars & a drop of milk....
Big Mug.jpg


Just finished a wrap up post on my fourgovelo blog.. I promise not to mention it again.:rolleyes:

Right, signing off for the day. Opticians tomorrow, if I can find it. :hello:

Maybe I'm being thick here (easy now...) but how do you get to the beginning of your blog? The end sounds interesting but tradition dictates that a story should start from the very beginning...

TBF I have the patience of a gnat when on the internet, so have probably missed something vital.
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