Tea? (Part 4)

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Legendary Member
A bit nippy? :smile:

What wants nipping :laugh:


Middle Earth
Brake pads and new chain fitted.
Brakes were easy enough but I needed help with the chain. I had to remove two links and realised I didn't have a chain splitter! So I went off to town where I picked one up in the LBS.

The bike has now been given a good clean, and I'm taking a break before adjusting the gears.

new brake pads....


new chain


I am your Father
EDL demo and a counter demo.

Less police use for football matches.
A demo against counters :eek:

Well I never, Hoodies v Shop Girls
:boxing: :girldance: trying to protect their worktops.


Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
Maybe I'm being thick here (easy now...) but how do you get to the beginning of your blog? The end sounds interesting but tradition dictates that a story should start from the very beginning...

I don't think I can sort the entries as I want to so for the moment they are in the order that I posted them in.. ie the most recent is always at the top. Tradition dictates that I couldn't start at the end therefore the last entry is the first..:giggle:

The only workaround is to scroll down to the last entry on the home page (wait a second for more to appear when you get to the bottom). They should all be first paragraph followed by a 'Read More' link. RIGHT click on a Read More link and select 'Open link in new tab' from the drop down menu and read the entry now open in the new tab.... close tab when you finish, return to main page, select next entry similarly... Hope that's clearer than the mud we got spattered in. :okay:
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Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
Good Afternoon :cuppa:
I can now see you all perfectly clearly.. unfortunately I am now at that stage where I have to change to my other glasses if I want to now view the television, or anything else a that's a bit further away, and change them back again when I find that it's all a lot of rubbish as usual and want to go back to my book/newspaper/laptop. :rolleyes:
Alternatively I'll just go eye naked and have a snooze. :smile:


I am your Father
It's up to whoever's sending you the money to send it as a gift, all you do is give them your email that's linked to your PayPal account.

Once you've logged in there's a tab somewhere that's called - send money.

Then it asks you for the email of the person you're sending it to, and there's options of either paying for services or send as a gift.

There's not as much protection using it though.
Cheers @stephec

Not as much protection for the seller or the buyer ?
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