Tea? (Part 4)

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Legendary Member
Complicated this. You must a/ Have a PayPal acount and the giftee must have your email address. Ummmm...that's it. :okay:

Good Morning! :cuppa:

Everyone feeling fun and friendly? Good. Bit grey and threatening here but we won't let nasty conditions get in the way of a ride...
View attachment 90085
Dodgy knee joints may be another matter though. :laugh:
Ooooft......a bit wet and mucky. My slightly damp roads this morning were nice compared with that! Chilly breeze though, plus a stretch with lots of loose sheep and another stretch where they have attempted to resurface the road and just made a horrible rough mess as usual.

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Complicated this. You must a/ Have a PayPal acount and the giftee must have your email address. Ummmm...that's it. :okay:

Good Morning! :cuppa:

Everyone feeling fun and friendly? Good. Bit grey and threatening here but we won't let nasty conditions get in the way of a ride...
View attachment 90085
Dodgy knee joints may be another matter though. :laugh:

Your such a dirty boy Mr ID


Legendary Member
Ooooft......a bit wet and mucky. My slightly damp roads this morning were nice compared with that! Chilly breeze though, plus a stretch with lots of loose sheep and another stretch where they have attempted to resurface the road and just made a horrible rough mess as usual.

Hi Mo
The cheap and nasty resurfacing sounds the same as the 3rd world types they do down here in Englandshire.


Legendary Member
Its a wee bit chilly today isn't it? :laugh:
Swift change of subject! :laugh:


Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
Can anyone spot why I might have edited the shot a bit before it was ready for public consumption...

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