Tea? (Part 4)

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Leg End Member
Good Evening. :hello:
Waiting for Springwatch, the only telly I'll be finding at all interesting this evening. Mrs ID is in the process of doing a roast.. :eek:
I know, it's Wednesday... I just let her get on with it..it keeps her happy and me full...:laugh:
How big's the oven?


Leg End Member
@SteCenturion is only a day behind now.


I am your Father

Yeah, I've finally thrown the towel in at work after a confrontation with the dickhead director who continually tripped over his lies about the spy cameras. He wouldn't know the truth if it slapped him in the face. He didn't even have the courteousy for a face to face meeting electing to phone me on a dodgy mobile.:boxing::evil:

So, free of the bloody pipes at last :okay:
Best of luck with the buses Brian :thumbsup:

Our issues with management are escalating now, refusing to engage with Unions & have stated intent to withdraw from written agreements known as the ***** @@@@@


Death knell is tolling.
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