Tea? (Part 4)

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Legendary Member
Evening folks. Its rather crappy out there now. Hope you've all had a good day

Evening Mrs D :hello:
Not a bad day here, quite sunny during the day, but t's gone cool now and the wind is up. It seems ever so windy lately and its always quite cold :cold:
Not highly enough that they will pay a fair wage though &....

If David Camera On Thatcher does what is feared with bus passes/free travel, then there will be an over supply of drivers & other linked staff.
Agree about the wages.:cry:

If our pax lost the free pass it would hurt them but we would still be their lifeline from the villages to town, they'd just have to pay!


Leg End Member
Ooohh @Fubar rrrrrr, two birds with one stone
Police Cale.jpg
I think my first coach job is on Sunday, rail replacement here I come. Banbury standby I think.
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