Tea? (Part 4)

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Legendary Member
The sun did make a brief appearance here but seems to have disappeared and is now dull and breezy. My little legs were tired from yesterdays climbing so not long back a flattish 28 miles. Eaten my bird grit and had a mug of tea, but I feel the need for another cuppa before I head out for my walk.

Hi Mo


Middle Earth
Hello teapups!
My brake pads and chain arrived today. I have a Belles ride tonight so will look at fitting them tomorrow.
So far today I've done some housework and been to Tai Chi :smile:


Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
Good Afternoon :cuppa:
Why would the Dr. be having a coffee with your sister after seeing you?
Doesn't quite sound right.
The Doc (who, surprisingly, is a normal human as well) and my sister are actually quite good friends and might meet for a coffee from time to time. But not this time, Mr Classic. :rolleyes:

My sister had an operation on her back while I was away and is in recovery now. I went to show her the pics from my trip as well as a catch up. :smile:
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