Tea? (Part 4)

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Legendary Member
Hmmm, does that apply indoors too??

Most likely


Legendary Member
I know of people who have watched others fornicating & giving & recieving extras on CCTV, not I though.

& a driver once told me about a quiet bus he was driving where his cab monitor had been on 'scoll' & he saw something so selected 'fixed' camera & when the young couple came down the stairs asked if they had a good journey.

Went the colour of @Fubar apparently.

The girl "might have had scuffed knees" & "might have needed a Knapkin" !

Full load then!


Legendary Member

and cheap:okay:
probably cheaper than a fish supper up in this neck of the woods...
They do a reasonable brekkie but as I got delayed then wandered a little (no, not me) I got this ..
I may make this a regular Friday stop (I pass it every time I'm out)



Legendary Member
Typical women..:rolleyes:
I like my greens..
Funnily you can't seem to get those strong onions any more, its all those bland white and purple sweet ones...
It psyches me into thinking I'm being healthy..;)

On a brighter note, I see the Giro is being played out in lashing rain...for the second day.

It can be a tough race
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