Tea? (Part 4)

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I am your Father
Morning everyone :hello:

Watcha @the_mikey :hello:

How ya doing ? :thumbsup:


I am your Father
An afternoon in the garage tinkering can only be followed by an hour on the bike, what a laugh, two drivers went other side of traffic islands to 'avoid' me, quite considerate I suppose & two drivers stopped to take my photo!

Sadly, its decaff coffee at this time of night but, Cheers :cheers:
Good morning @Falco Frank :hello:

Are you another one of our trike/recumbent riders ?

There are more here (if you didn't already know) :thumbsup:


I am your Father
Morning Mr. Centurion :okay:

Another trip to Abertawe today, then no Abertawe for three days :cheers:
:wahhey: PRAISE the LORD :wahhey:


I did indeed decide on a late rise as the wind was supposed to be as bad or worse than yesterday. However, sitting here with a coffee and looking out it doesn't look too bad. I will stick to my planned rest day anyway as my back is feeling a bit tender. Just some walking with the pooch.

Windy down here in the south-east this morning, is it my imagination or is the wind getting worse?!? i.e. more of it, more often...


World class procrastinator
Morning Teapups.
Home cleaning in full operation today (again). I have no idea how Hubster makes such a bloody mess. Scrubbing the loo from the top to the bottom, on a daily basis is losing it's allure. Why can't he clean the dang thing himself? It's just not funny.
I am having a tea break. I've been scrubbing and sorting out for 2 hours now and have a cuppa and giving some serious consideration to a sulk.
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