Tea? (Part 4)

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Legendary Member
C u later folks....

Wwwwww it is :hello:

Have a nice day Mr Centurion
Morning early cockerels @172traindriver,@classic33. @SteCenturion.
No Mo so far, must be having a late rise.

Looks like I will be enjoying the sunny delights and roads of East Lothian this weekend.

Whatever you up to, enjoy.


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I am your Father
See above with regards watching employees.
Seen it @classic33

I can't say too much classic but, I know of 'a place' where the managers went to a company & obtained CCTV footage of an employee 'illegally' as they suspected he was not doing his job properly.

The ulterior motive was to dismiss him, but because he had lots of sick time & challenged many of their practises, decisions & suchlike.

He was basically an unwanted noise that they didn't know how to control.

He wasn't stupid though & in his disciplinary he quoted law on CCTV & challenged them to carry on pursuing him & the disciplinary, stating that he would take both their jobs & see both them & the employers in court.

Seems they had a swift rethink on their position.

Eventually he was allowed to leave under different conditions with some financial benefits.


@Brian Evesham might want to read this.


I am your Father


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