Tea? (Part 4)

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Leg End Member
The more prattish director turned up just before five pm and started fitting two spy cameras one watching my lathe!
The office manager (friend) told me he said that will scare us into doing more work :banghead: the man hasn't got a chuffin clue. I soon as I realised what was happening I unplugged it and put it in the office for him. I'm sure he has a legal right to inform his staff that he is using recording devices and give reasons. He gave us no notice or reasons just smirked at us telling the day manager loudly that he can access it from home. I'm expecting a call from him tomorrow that I won't be taking. I think that might be my last shift:laugh:
Fitting of cameras in the workplace, for the reason given, is illegal. Whether they tell you first or not.
They can fit them for safety reasons, but even then permission/consent is required. I'd have just put something in front of them or "adusted the lighting" so they'd have their sensors overloaded.

Are the two new directors American by any chance!


Legendary Member

Note correction

Hi Mr C
Anything doing on nights.
Any doors kicked in or jam rolls stomping off from work?


Legendary Member
Oh and he changed the password on the wifi. His prerogative.

With staff leaving left right and centre what a great way to boost staff morale.

Is he trying to ruin the business?
How many work there. I suppose there are plenty of jam rolls, but they don't hang about long and what about experience? Who is good enough to maintain the required standards


Legendary Member
Fitting of cameras in the workplace, for the reason given, is illegal. Whether they tell you first or not.
They can fit them for safety reasons, but even then permission/consent is required. I'd have just put something in front of them or "adusted the lighting" so they'd have their sensors overloaded.

Are the two new directors American by any chance!

Be interesting to see what happens next


Leg End Member
3. Monitoring staff at work

You must be able to justify monitoring staff at work, which could include:

  • using CCTV
  • keeping records of phone calls
  • logging their email or internet use
  • searching staff or their work areas
Employees have rights at work and if you don’t treat them fairly they could:
  • take you to an employment tribunal
  • complain to the Information Commissioner
You must make them aware that they’re being monitored, and why - eg by sending them an email.

Also explain your policies on things like using work computers or phones for personal use.

Monitoring staff without their knowledge
You can monitor staff without their knowledge if:
  • you suspect they’re breaking the law
  • letting them know about it would make it hard to detect the crime
Only do this as part of a specific investigation, and stop when the investigation is over.

4. Using CCTV

If your business uses CCTV, you must tell people they may be recorded.

This is usually done by displaying signs, which must be clearly visible and readable.

You must also notify the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) why you’re using the CCTV.

You should control who can see the recordings, and make sure the system is only used for the purpose it was intended for.

If the system was set up to detect crime, you should not use it to monitor the amount of work done by your staff.

Letting people see CCTV recordings
Anyone can ask to see images that you’ve recorded of them. You must provide these within 40 days, and can charge up to £10.

Find out more about using CCTV on the ICO website.

Signs such as this should be clearly visible. Giving both the owners details and the operators details. These should include the contact details for both owner & operator. If these or similar signs are not in place, they are breaking the law. No question about it.
CCTV Sign.png
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