Tea? (Part 4)

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Legendary Member
At 90" x 16" & made out of wood and metal. Its no minature hammer.

You can share the truth on here :okay:


Leg End Member
:ph34r: Mrs Busman is watching
Pencil to jab'em with?

Four foot long


Leg End Member
All quiet on the hose making Night Shift then @BrianEvesham.

Or did you get some good news?
The more prattish director turned up just before five pm and started fitting two spy cameras one watching my lathe!
The office manager (friend) told me he said that will scare us into doing more work :banghead: the man hasn't got a chuffin clue. I soon as I realised what was happening I unplugged it and put it in the office for him. I'm sure he has a legal right to inform his staff that he is using recording devices and give reasons. He gave us no notice or reasons just smirked at us telling the day manager loudly that he can access it from home. I'm expecting a call from him tomorrow that I won't be taking. I think that might be my last shift:laugh:
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