Tea? (Part 3)

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World class procrastinator
With me it's just because my brain works in a different way... ^_^
If I can't understand something my brain sort of goes "Heck, I can't do this - wibble flibber wibble flibber" and I feel a bit panicky and give up. Often I'll go back to the problem and sort it but I have these scribbly head moments. Hubster says that it's a girl thing.


World class procrastinator
Right, off now, early night tonight.. Many jobs put off today to accommodate MrsD's surprise day off so must be added to tomorrows! Have fun...:hello:
Gentle dreams ID


Leg End Member
Dragon Wednesday.jpg

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Good morning good people of tealandia from Welsh landia. ToDay its a bit dull at the moment, but hopefully the :sun: will show itself later. I have the rugrats here again today so there will be much :cursing: maybe some of this :boxing: and definitely some of this :cry: and of course not to mention some of this
with copious quantities of this :cuppa:, and by the end of the day i will be completely :crazy:.

I hope you all have a hellish good day and a tidy day. Dont Wwww too hard people. There won't of course be any :bicycle: today, not for me anyway.


Dodgy Aerial
On the Roof
Good Morning, breakfast and :cuppa: first, chores in a minute hour or so. MrsD's GPS tracker tells me she's done the commute in her FASTEST TIME YET shaving a STUNNING 30 seconds off her PB.... (sorry, went a bit tabloid there) :smile: Lights must have been on green at the crossing over Sowton Junction... :giggle:
Hoping for a ride later, have discovered that there's a Devon Wildlife Trust reserve that I've never been to not that far away so I thought I'd load up the proper camera and macro gear and tootle over that way later. Have fun all :hello:
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