Tea? (Part 3)

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Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
We appear to have a mink prowling around the pond. My grandaughter saw it this afternoon.we have a fence around the pond but it got in through the 4 inch overflow pipe. My grandaughter took a photo of it on her phone.:gun: bloody mink. I hate them. They just bite the heads off the fish and eat the brains, then leave the rest on the ground. Grrrr:cursing:

Mr WD has now blocked the pipe so it can't get through.
Have you considered getting a mink coat for Winter?

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Have you considered getting a mink coat for Winter?

Oh dear groan. That is so bad :laugh: . My mum has a fur coat.:cursing: both my sister and i said we hate it and wouldn't wear one.


Leg End Member
Have you considered getting a mink coat for Winter?
Why would she consider getting the mink a fur coat for winter?
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