Tea? (Part 3)

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Middle Earth
Are there any other reasons you can think of for the 'aching knees' SL ? :whistle:
How very dare you! I'll have you know my husband is in Australia right now! :biggrin:


No, it doesn't snow in our capital cities! :laugh: Although I did get hailed on once when riding home from work.
We had snow in Melbourne once when I lived there in the 60's. Mind you, half the population were Brits, so very used to it. The Greek population thought it all very odd, no doubt.


Is your bike named Harry Potter?
I'll have to ask my kids about that, nothing magical about my riding though. :biggrin:

I went out and did ten miles, I'm a bit tired now. :sad:

Not as unfit as I thought I was though, still managed a good 25mph cruise down the A6 home for a mile or two.


I am your Father
Good morning all you fine people in Tealandia.
No :bicycle: today as hopefully it will be something or somewhere as good...
An early start so a quick hello and cheerio, folks:hello:
& hello to you @Bobby Mhor

I am late joining the party today as I am, yet again having issues with tthe 3 network.

No cycling for a month for me due to the clapped out back, I have a sick note for a month but hoping to get back to work in under a week.

Hi Y'all. :hello:


I am your Father
Morning peeps. Have fun @MikeG oh joy. Packing. Hello everyone. It was raining all night last night. Very damp this morning. Coffee is much needed as always:cuppa: . Have fun today everyone whatever your doiing.:hello:
"Very damp this morning".

Toooo much info there WD.

Nice & friendly corner this you know &

We haven't passed the watershed yet.

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