welsh dragon
Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
I really don't want to trail into town today but doubt the weather is going to improve so may just have to get out there!
Have fun
I really don't want to trail into town today but doubt the weather is going to improve so may just have to get out there!
Well done luther. Good luck for the Interview itself. Please keep us posted.
Thanks for the good luck - the interview was good, there's two positions going & he's doing more interviews this week. Those he selects do a weeks trial; he said i was a good candidate and was 'top of the pile' but will see what happens when he lets me know next week. Fingers crossed!
It's bleeding pouring again, need a and a
I started on decaf tea last week and found it disgusting and double . One week later I quite like it. I've heard that Kenco decaf coffee is quite good but I have yet to try it because I stocked up on the real stuff at the last offer time and only drink one cup a day.De-caf coffee tastes horrible
Drink but one cup of coffee a day, but drink a lot of tea, esp. for an American. I do not care for decaf, as my Dr. has always held that what is done in the decaffeinating process may be more harmful than the caffeine itself.
I went to town, did all on my list, and a bit extra.
Didn't find waterproofs in town but have ordered some online, so that's all sorted now.
I've managed to get myself involved in another volunteering role...that's 3 now (at the same place).
I think I should stop now as it's going to get busy in the better weather!
I am going to dye the old barnet shortly and have a bath.
Then I shall cook dinner and once hubby is off to work I will go kill things on the PS3
A good day!
Rule number 1. Never, ever volunteer for anything. It will get you In trouble everytime.
you cynicRule number 1. Never, ever volunteer for anything. It will get you In trouble everytime.
But I like giving back...
Certain its tea in hand & not lunch?Good morning everyone. Good day to one and all. brekky eaten and tea in hand.