Right, ironing done whilst Mum visited and I helped her do the online banking stuff

, small child collected from pre-school, me & User76 fed, an un-expected visit to Mum & Dad again after having to visit the people opposite them to tell them one of their "delightful" children stole one of my pumpkins off the drive way and threw it across the road, I took great delight in standing looking menacing in the street holding Maj and staring as he ran away and had no choice but to run to his house, so we wellied up trogged down the street and knocked the door, I was nice said to the Mum I am not bothered but I want it cleaned up as I am not picking it up. She told me she had told him to leave them alone yesterday - little bleep he is! Of course, cos we were opposite Nana & Papa User76 wanted to visit so we nipped in for a cup of tea and are now back home... I booked myself on to the Nana train to Tesco this evening for more milk & tea
Oh and the little bleep did duly clean and pick up all the pumpkin off the road