- Location
- Next door to Mr Benn at No 54
At 8 months he should be fine on adult biscuits. Maybe he has been fed something different up til now and just isn't used to them?
As he is spitting out the "adult" biskits, I have got him some "kitten" biskits. He seems to prefer these.
Morning Bob
How did you sleep?
He settled down for a couple of hours on a chair. I had put a large soft cotton quilt on the chair. He woke up
Edit: Bob justed typed a load of ssssss on the screen.
at about 3am to try and get into bed with me. That is not a good idea.
He has learnt to sit on my lap without biting. I think it was a combination of him feeling unsettled and his ickle legs being a bit weak after a month in a cattery, so he felt like he was wobbling off. I think he is used to loud NO when he is naughty.
I am learning to type with one hand, instead of two, so there will be mistooks. The other arm is supporting him while he is lying quietly on my lap.