Tea? (Part 2)

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Vice Admiral
At 8 months he should be fine on adult biscuits. Maybe he has been fed something different up til now and just isn't used to them?

As he is spitting out the "adult" biskits, I have got him some "kitten" biskits. He seems to prefer these.
Morning Bob :hello:

How did you sleep?

He settled down for a couple of hours on a chair. I had put a large soft cotton quilt on the chair. He woke up

Edit: Bob justed typed a load of ssssss on the screen.

at about 3am to try and get into bed with me. That is not a good idea.

He has learnt to sit on my lap without biting. I think it was a combination of him feeling unsettled and his ickle legs being a bit weak after a month in a cattery, so he felt like he was wobbling off. I think he is used to loud NO when he is naughty.

I am learning to type with one hand, instead of two, so there will be mistooks. The other arm is supporting him while he is lying quietly on my lap.


Vice Admiral
I think he has fallen asleep in my arms. I need to gently move him as my arm is starting to ache and he is a very warm bundle of furriness. ^_^


Vice Admiral
Bob is getting on better with Tasha. She has decided that she is the Boss, but he is still trying to say, "Yes, but I am not a complete pushover, you know!"

I know that I should not anthropomorphise animals, they do not like it. :blush:

The heating is not on, but it is very warm today. I dare not open a window in case he escapes. :sad:


Old git on old bikes
Bob is getting on better with Tasha. She has decided that she is the Boss, but he is still trying to say, "Yes, but I am not a complete pushover, you know!"

I know that I should not anthropomorphise animals, they do not like it. :blush:
Find I have to anthropomorphise two legged animals sometimes, specially in them city places.
(Edited for clarity)


Vice Admiral
Tasha is taking it very well. I make sure they are fed in seperate rooms for now, so that she does not think he will take her food. I also make a fuss of her as normal. When an argument starts I have been calling out the shipping news to them.

eg Dogger Bank, west south westerly, 250 metres, rising slowly, outlook fair
Finistere north easterly, 500 metres, strong winds approaching from south

A load of nonsense really. A long argument has meant a discussion about what the Captain had for breakfast. The sound of my voice, calmly talking, seems to have a calming effect on Bob. Perhaps he is used to all the voices around him in the cattery.


Vice Admiral
When Leo and Tasha met for the first time, they touched noses, and were fine after that. Leo would occasionnally wave his paw about four inches in front of Tasha's nose, as if to say "Look what big strong paws I have". She would just sit there unimpressed. Then one day after about six weeks, there was an almightly battle. After that, no trouble at all.

I think it helps that Bob had two brothers/sisters while he was in his first home.


West Somerset
The female cat my ex and I had made herself absent for several days when we got the two boy kittens, only coming back in the middle of the night for some food. She eventually lost patience with them, bashed them about when they decided to play with her tail and they soon settled down. The best bit was that she stopped bringing her kills into the bedroom as she didn't want to share with them. :wahhey: We used this lesson when one of the boys started to do the same and took his kills from him - he soon learnt that he was better off eating them somewhere else. :becool:
Female cats are always the boss in my experience ^_^
Puma and Fatty's mum was a right bully when she wanted to be, but could be the most lovable cat ever, fickle these women :whistle:
Think it must just be the way it worked out. For me the female cats I've had have been bottom of the chain and the males totally dominant!
Edit# apart from Ivan who will not push anyone off food but apart from that is a little busybody who interferes with and chases anything and everything. Hates to think he's missing anything.
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